Opening the 2nd IPPP, President Jokowi Emphasizes 3 Sectors that Need Joint Handling, Namely Climate Change, Blue Economy and Human Resource Development

Jakarta – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said three important sectors that must be paid attention to at the 2nd IPPP meeting in Jakarta, include: Climate Change, Blue Economy and Human Resource Development.
President Jokowi conveyed this when opening the 2nd Indonesia-Pacific Parliamentary Partnership (IPPP) session with the theme Partnership for Prosperity: Fostering Regional Connectivity and Inclusive Development, in Jakarta, Thursday 25/7/2024.
President Jokowi appreciated the partnership between parliaments in Pacific countries and Indonesia because having this partnership has an important meaning in responding to future challenges in the form of economic uncertainty and geopolitical dynamics including climate change and various crises. “I appreciate the cooperation and partnership relations carried out by the Asia-Pacific parliament because parliament is a bridge for the people, and parliament can be used to find joint solutions to face challenges such as economic uncertainty, geopolitical dynamics and climate change and various crises.”
According to President Jokowi, parliamentary cooperation can be used to share experiences, to share perspectives in finding joint solutions because parliament is a bridge between people’s aspirations and public policy.
There are 3 important sectors that currently need joint and immediate handling, the first is related to climate change. The UN estimates sea level rise of up to 1 meter by 2100. This is a big threat to our region, so it is necessary to strengthen parliamentary advocacy to mitigate this by adapting policies and increasing infrastructure and environmental cooperation, explained Jokowi.
Second, related to the blue economy which is the great potential of our region. The World Bank said this sector has the potential to contribute up to 10% of GDP if managed sustainably, so encouragement from parliament is needed to increase regional connectivity as well as collaboration in law enforcement and conservation of marine resources, he said.
“Third, related to human resource development through education and training carried out inclusively, including for women and youth to increase productivity and innovation, so it is necessary to draft regulations from parliament to encourage people to people cooperation, knowledge sharing, experience sharing which covers all levels of society,” he stressed. President Jokowi.
“We need to continue to develop the Pacific region and maximize the potential we have to improve people’s welfare and through this parliamentary partnership, let us strengthen the spirit of brotherhood, mutual trust and mutual respect, including respect for cross-regional sovereignty,” he added.
“I am confident that through strong collaboration we can maintain stability and achieve prosperity in the Pacific region,” stressed President Jokowi.
Meanwhile, on the same occasion, the Chairman of the DPR RI, Puan Maharani, said that today is an important moment because we can continue the cooperation from the first IPPP meeting in 2018. Since then, the spirit of Indonesia’s partnership with the parliaments of Pacific countries has grown stronger.
According to him, today the strength of our brotherhood is demonstrated by the level of parliamentary presence at this forum, namely the 2nd IPPP session in Jakarta.
Chairman of the DPR RI, Puan Maharani, said that the key is cooperation and joint action through diplomacy and this can be done through dialogue carried out by parliament, not unilaterally.
“The relationship between Pacific countries and Indonesia is a comprehensive relationship, not only having solid inter-governmental relations but also strong inter-parliamentary relations,” he concluded.
“In democratic countries such as the Pacific and Indonesia, parliament has an important role in carrying out state functions and influencing foreign policy in our respective countries,” he explained.
“I invite all parliaments, let us work together to create a safe, peaceful and stable Pacific,” he concluded.