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Papua Remains Part of the Republic of Indonesia Despite Continuous OPM Threats and Disturbances


By: Brian Heremanu *)

The integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) is non-negotiable. Since Indonesia’s independence in 1945, this country has struggled to maintain its unity and integrity from various threats, both from within and outside the country. One of the most serious threats currently that continues to disrupt the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia is the separatist movement led by the Free Papua Organization (OPM).

Since the beginning, OPM has carried out various actions aimed at disrupting stability in Papua and weakening government control in the region. These actions often involve armed violence, kidnapping, attacks on security forces, and terror against civilians. Apart from that, OPM is also trying to gain international support by exploiting human rights issues and portraying the government as an invader in the land of Papua.

The threat posed by OPM to the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia is not only political, but also includes real threats of violence and terror. Throughout its history, OPM has carried out various armed attacks targeting both security forces and civilians. These attacks are often carried out in remote and hard-to-reach areas, making response efforts by security forces more difficult.

One of the main tactics used by the OPM is guerilla attacks, which involve surprise ambushes on military patrols or attacks on police posts. OPM often carries out kidnappings, both against Indonesian citizens and foreign citizens, as a form of pressure on the government and to get international attention.

Apart from that, OPM is also active in spreading propaganda and conducting information warfare. They use various channels, including social media, to spread narratives that discredit the government and depict Papua as an illegally occupied territory. In their propaganda, OPM often raises human rights issues, accusing Indonesian security forces of human rights violations in Papua, and spreading stories that strengthen the view that Papua should become an independent state.

OPM continues to try to gain international support through campaigns targeting international organizations, foreign governments, and global media. In this context, the OPM tries to exploit global sympathy for human rights issues to gain support for their separatist struggle.

However, the propaganda and information war waged by the OPM is not only aimed at gaining international support, but also to worsen the atmosphere within the country. By spreading fake news and misleading narratives, OPM is trying to divide Indonesian society and create distrust of the government. This is a form of threat that is often overlooked, but has an impact that is no less dangerous than threats of physical violence.

Facing threats from the OPM, the government has carried out various countermeasures, both through military and non-military approaches. On the military side, the TNI and Polri have been deployed to maintain security in Papua and crush the separatist movement. Military operations are often carried out in areas where the OPM is based, with the aim of destroying their networks and arresting the leaders of the separatist movement.

Recently, joint TNI-Polri officers arrested an OPM member, Rife Kerebea, alias Erik, alias Trisna Telenggen in Kenyam District, Nduga Regency, Papua Mountains, on Saturday (17/8). Head of the Cartenz Peace Ops Public Relations Task Force, Police Commissioner Bayu Suseno, said that the perpetrator was previously involved in the murder of Nduga and Yahukimo. The perpetrator is currently being investigated intensively at the Nduga Police. Bayu revealed that Rife Kerebea was one of Egianus Kogoya’s confidants. Rife Kerebea together with Egianus Kogoya’s group set out war strategies and were based in the Alguru Village area in Krepkuri District, Nduga.

In line with this, the Head of Cartenz-2024 Peace Operations, Brigadier General Faizal Ramadhani, said that Rife Kerebea was a member of the OPM led by Egianus Kogoya. The perpetrator is on the Yahukimo Police wanted list (DPO). Rife Kerebea was arrested based on a police report regarding the murder of gold panners in Kali EI, Seradala District, Yahukimo. The perpetrator was then designated as a DPO on November 8 2023.

It is known that Rife Kerebea and Egianus Kogoya’s group were involved in the massacre of gold panners in Yahukimo on October 16 2023. Based on detikcom records, the perpetrators of the attack at that time numbered 30 people. OPM members attacked residents by shooting, slashing with axes, and even burning heavy equipment at the scene. The incident resulted in 13 gold panners dying and 82 other people being evacuated safely.

The success of handling the Papua problem certainly does not only depend on military strength, but also on how the government can embrace the Papuan people through dialogue, development and respect for human rights. Infrastructure development, improving public services, and implementing Special Autonomy for Papua are important steps that have been taken to reduce dissatisfaction and underdevelopment in the region. Ultimately, a shared commitment to maintaining the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia and the welfare of all Papuan people must be the main priority in facing the challenge of separatism.

)* The writer is the Editor of Berjaya Papua Youth Media

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