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Political Observer Faisyal Chaniago and UI Economist Athor Subroto Appreciate 10 Years of Jokowi’s Government


Jakarta – UBK Political Observer Faisyal Chaniago and UI Economist Athor Subroto said that they appreciate President Jokowi’s 10-year government.

This was conveyed by Faisyal and Athor during a dialogue on Prime Time Metro TV, Tuesday evening 24/9/2024.

According to UBK Political observer Faisyal Chaniago, Jokowi’s 10 years of government are something we should appreciate.

“We appreciate President Jokowi leading the 10-year program that can be felt by all, especially downstreaming and needs to be supported by the next government, harmonization, this concept can be implemented by the government of the President-elect,” said Faisyal.

In addition, President Jokowi’s government approach can also be emulated by Prabowo, namely with a soft approach, how he embraces all his political competitors so that they are involved in his cabinet,” he concluded.

Embracing and maintaining harmony, so that politics remains stable and there is no chaos, this harmonious political approach is what Prabowo must do, he said.

“It is certain that the economic growth during President Jokowi’s era can be continued by the Prabowo government. Like increasing the role of BUMN, which must be considered by the next government, such as how to find economic sources not only from one type,” he said.

The government must then implement downstreaming because this will be the biggest income later, he stressed.

Meanwhile, “How to increase people’s purchasing power, so far President Jokowi has continued to maintain that. Don’t let there be a decline in the middle class because that will shake the country,” he said.

Programs that are already underway, for example toll road infrastructure, must not stop, because development is not enough for just 10 years, therefore it must be continuous, thus requiring a smooth transition so that there is cooperation and synergy.

In this transition period, it is very important, so that there is no overlapping of policies so that all programs can run well. So this transition must be carried out until the new cabinet is formed, he said.

Meanwhile, UI Economist Athor Subroto said the same thing after the Prime Time News Dialogue on Tuesday night, 23/9/2024.

Director of the School of Global Strategic Studies who is also an Economist at UI, Athor Subroto said that the world’s geopolitics and economy are currently changing and very dynamic, so the pressure from outside is very strong. With that, let’s first look at Mr. Jokowi’s 1 decade journey. The reality must be appreciated.

The existence of economic growth at level 5 is an extraordinary economic resilience from President Jokowi until now, he said.

If we look at the stock market indicators, how they are developing now, they continue to approach the psychological level of almost 8000, Athor added.

In the midst of the many global supply chain disruptions, Indonesia can still survive and grow compared to other countries, even developed countries like Europe, he concluded.

“We have become a country that is developing quite well because of the foundation whose multiplier effect is drawn, such as the downstream program to maintain the economic process that occurs within so that the multiplier is getting bigger,”
he explained. OQokowi has such a great spirit to grow the Indonesian economy that it is also responded well by the market, like it or not, in fact our numbers continue to improve. Our economy continues to improve, he said.

If this is continued and driven by a precise strategy, especially in the energy sector, it will continue to provide encouragement to reduce domestic production costs, he said.

Everything needs to be pushed continuously, such as energy must be cheaper, green and well-mixed, then our economy will be stronger with the concept of downstreaming in all fields, changing raw materials into finished materials, then it will create many multiplier effects, so if that happens, economic growth of 8 percent can be achieved, said Athor.

The commitment to the transition from the Jokowi government to Prabowo is a good thing so that the quick win of the next government can run quickly because it is something that must be implemented immediately, he said.

The message from President Jokowi to his staff to support Prabowo’s cabinet could be a market signal that he wants this transition to be successful, because good leadership must be continued, because if it cannot be continued, it will be a problem, he added.

This is the key to how a leader guides the next leader, including the accelerated creation of regulations to support the next government, he said.

The transition guarantee will make all Indonesian people continue to progress, never thinking of going backwards because this is a path that we must take to progress and catch up, he concluded.

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