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Prevent the Spread of the Caliphate by Increasing Understanding of Pancasila


By: Dalilah Naysila)*

Pancasila as the basis of the Indonesian state is the foundation that guides the life of the nation and state. As an ideology that accommodates diversity, Pancasila ensures that every citizen has the same rights regardless of religion, race or class. However, in recent years, the ideology of the caliphate has emerged as a serious threat to the unity and integrity of Indonesia.

This understanding, which promotes the concept of a religion-based state with the enforcement of sharia as state law, is contrary to the values ​​of Pancasila. Therefore, increasing understanding of Pancasila is very important to prevent the spread of the Caliphate ideology in society.

The ideology of the caliphate, which is promoted by several extremist groups, not only threatens national unity, but also has the potential to destroy the social order that has been built in Indonesia.

This understanding encourages the formation of a global Islamic state under one leader (caliph), which will ultimately eliminate nation-states like Indonesia. This is very dangerous because Indonesia is a country with ethnic, religious, racial and cultural diversity. The implementation of the ideology of the caliphate in Indonesia will erode the values ​​of diversity and tolerance that have become the hallmark of this nation.

The existence of acts of terrorism is rooted in the ideology of the caliphate. The understanding of the caliphate teaches that religious law must be implemented absolutely in everyday life, including criminal law. This will create injustice for those who are not Muslim or have a different interpretation of Islam itself.

To prevent the spread of the ideology of the caliphate, a deep understanding of Pancasila needs to be instilled at all levels of society, especially the younger generation. Pancasila, as a state ideology, is not only a tool to unify the nation but also a bulwark against ideologies that conflict with national values.

Understanding Pancasila helps people understand and internalize national values. By upholding the principles of Pancasila, society will have a strong national identity and will not be easily influenced by foreign ideologies, including the ideology of the caliphate. This strong national identity will encourage unity and integrity amidst the differences that exist in Indonesia.

General Chair of the Indonesian Anti-Radicalism and Terrorism Movement (Garis), Dr. Sadri, S.Pdi., M.Pd appreciated the attitude taken by the Central Sulawesi Regional Police by holding a ceremony for the 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia with former terrorist convicts (Napiter) in Poso Regency.

Sadri said that Central Sulawesi Regional Police personnel through the Madago Raya Task Force had made efforts to prevent radicalism and terrorism very well, with various activities that had been carried out such as outreach through Polri preachers carried out in the community, places of worship, as well as for students at schools, as well as carry out patrol efforts to prevent the movement or development of acts of terrorism.

Ngatawi cultural observer, Al-Zastrouw assesses that Pancasila is the most effective antidote in efforts to ward off radicalism and terrorism which are real threats in disrupting the country’s stability if not handled properly.

In fact, Pancasila provides space for every human being to actualize religious views in a humane way. Therefore, he emphasized the importance of actualizing Pancasila in real form so that it can become an effective bond amidst national diversity, considering that the implementation of Pancasila is not yet fully real in everyday life.

This is especially true in dealing with radicalism among the younger generation because today’s young people can no longer only be fed the narratives and rhetoric of the country’s leaders.

Apart from that, it is also necessary to mainstream various life practices that reflect Pancasila. He gave an example of how in villages and villages there are many life practices that reflect the values ​​of Pancasila, such as mutual cooperation and harmony between religious believers.

The example of national leaders in religion and society is an important inspiration for the younger generation, but this example is expected not only in the form of lectures, but also through real actions that can be seen and used as a reference.

Therefore, it is hoped that Indonesia’s young generation can build strong ideological immunity against radicalism and intolerance. Cultural vaccination through the real practice of Pancasila is the key to maintaining unity and facing various ideological threats.

Batu City Regional Secretary, Zadim Effisiensi, said the importance of synergy between the government, security forces and society in fighting radicalism and terrorism. It is hoped that all parties can unite their commitment to preventing and dealing with radicalism and terrorism. The government is committed to continuing to work together with related parties in creating Batu City as an example in preventing terrorism.

Through various programs and activities, the government and society need to continue to develop national insight at all levels of society. A strong national insight will strengthen commitment to Pancasila and reject all forms of ideology that damage national unity and integrity.

The understanding of the caliphate is a serious threat to the survival of the Republic of Indonesia. This understanding is contrary to the principles of Pancasila which upholds diversity and tolerance. To prevent the spread of the ideology of the caliphate, Indonesian society must strengthen the understanding and practice of Pancasila in everyday life.

By understanding and living Pancasila, society can not only protect itself from the influence of foreign ideologies, but also strengthen the unity and unity of this diverse nation. The government, society and all elements of the nation must work together to maintain Pancasila as the basis of the state and a guide to national and state life.

)* The author is an Islamic studies student

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