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Proof that Papua is part of the Republic of Indonesia, security forces continue to be present to bring about peace for the welfare of the Papuan people


By: Kaleb Tifa )*

Security forces continue to be present and help bring about peace on Earth of Cenderawasih. This is of course only for one purpose, namely improving the welfare of the community, which is also another clear proof that Papua is an integral part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

The unity of Papua as an integral part of the Republic of Indonesia is of course inseparable and is something final. Therefore, if there are parties who still question this, in fact there are many forms of real evidence, one of which is the seriousness of the state’s continued presence on Earth of Cenderawasih.

The sending of security forces from various personnel to the area nicknamed Little Heaven that Fell to Earth is actually a step by the state to encourage peace and tranquility in Papua, which will also clearly have a big impact on improving the welfare of the people as part of the Republic of Indonesia.

The Land of Papua is a region that is very rich in various things, including culture and natural resources (SDA). But unfortunately, there continues to be conflict there, which takes up a lot of attention or attention.

How could it not be, if the conflict continues to occur, then all that will happen is causing many kinds of losses in various sectors which should actually be an attraction and advantage for the Papuan people.

If the conflict continues, it will be detrimental to the economic growth and welfare of the people of Bumi Cenderawasih, including causing many other negative impacts such as disrupting stability and security in the region.

One of the main sources or problems in Papua is that there is still the Free Papua Organization (OPM), which is an armed group and often carries out many cruel, cruel and barbaric acts that are completely inhumane. They continue to launch terror against innocent civilians.

OPM carries out many acts of violence and threats, which usually target anyone indiscriminately and are very indiscriminate, as well as endangering the government, security forces and civilians themselves. Therefore, in order to bring about peace on the Earth of Cenderawasih, law enforcement against the OPM must be very firm, so that the security forces, joint TNI and Polri personnel, continue to move.

Regarding this matter, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Defense (Kemenhan), Indonesian National Army Marshal (Marsdya TNI) Donny Ernawan Taufanto explained that there are options for dealing with the conflict in Papua, namely there are two approaches.

The government continues to strive for all steps, approaches and strategies to achieve improved quality of life and welfare for the people in the easternmost province of the country, but on the other hand, a security approach is also very important.

The government continues to strive for integration with various parties, in fact this has been happening since the era of President Ir. Soekarno then until now under the leadership of President Ir. Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

The welfare approach in Papua is very good, which is manifested by massive development there, starting from the ease of road access, making the economy more advanced.

Even so, despite the government’s excellent efforts to accelerate development on Cenderawasih Earth, in fact there are still certain groups who are dissatisfied and continue to provide provocation and propaganda with their many acts of terror.

Of course, this then became the focus of the security apparatus, the joint personnel of the TNI and the Indonesian National Police (Polri) who absolutely carried out their duties to provide protection.

The direction from the Central Government is very clear, that President Jokowi emphasized that all levels of security forces, the joint TNI and Polri forces, should participate in overseeing development in Papua in order to improve the welfare of all the people of the region.

National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo said that the Head of State wants good integration from various programs taking place at the center to regional programs, so that the security forces are able to supervise all policies to improve the welfare of the Papua region.

Efforts to increase welfare are inseparable from providing full support for development in the Bumi Cenderawasih region, including in terms of regional expansion due to the New Autonomous Region (DOB) which must continue to be safe so that everything runs hand in hand.

As one of the many real or concrete proofs that cannot be denied that Papua is an integral and inseparable part of the Republic of Indonesia, security forces continue to be present and assist in bringing about peace on Earth of Cenderawasih. This aims to create an increase in people’s welfare.

)* Student of Social and Political Sciences, Yapis University, Papua

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