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Ready to Host ISF 2024, Indonesia Demonstrates Use of Renewable Energy and Reliable Infrastructure


JAKARTA — Indonesia’s readiness to face the International Sustainability Forum (ISF) 2024 is very optimal, even using new and renewable energy (EBT) and reliable infrastructure.

PLN President Director, Darmawan Pasodjo said that his party ensures that the electricity system is in a reliable condition to support the success of every major state agenda.

“PLN is committed to providing the best service, especially in supporting the success of international scale events such as ISF 2024,” he said.

In fact, all of them are ready to monitor the condition of the electrical system in real time.

“The entire team is on standby, and we will continue to monitor the condition of the electrical system in real time during the event,” said Darmawan.

Likewise, General Manager of PLN UID Jakarta Raya, Lasiran, said that his party has prepared a multi-layered supply security scheme to maintain supply reliability.

PLN has also formed 4 standby posts and deployed a total of 496 personnel with 5 detection cars.

In addition, PLN provides 33 Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) units with a total power of 10,970 kilo volt ampere (kVA), 7 Mobile Cable Units (UKB), 10 Mobile Substation Units (UGB) with a total power of 7,980 kVA, and 22 generator units with a total power of 26,685 kVA.

All of these things show how concrete PN’s commitment is to ensuring a reliable electricity supply.

“Showing PLN’s concrete commitment in ensuring a reliable electricity supply. With a capacity of 8,919 Megawatts (MW) and a peak load of 5,882 MW, PLN has a power reserve of 3,037 MW or 34.05% during the standby period,” said Lasiran.

Meanwhile, Deputy for Infrastructure and Transportation Coordination of the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Rachmat Kaimuddin, said that the National Monument (Monas) area in Jakarta would be the location for a dinner for heads of state and guests of honor.

At the gala dinner, guests can also enjoy entertainment in the form of video mapping at Monas as well as lighting attractions that display animated images or videos on the walls of Monas in the West Plaza.

“Monas was chosen as the venue for the dinner because this monument reflects the noble values ​​of Indonesia’s historical awakening, which is in line with the spirit of collaboration that ISF wants to promote,” said Rachmat.

“Amidst the current global challenges, the spirit of collaboration is very important to realize the actions and innovations that are expected to emerge at ISF 2024,” he concluded.

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