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Realize Regional Elections with Integrity Without Money Politics and Hoaxes


By : Tyas Permata Wiyana )*

Regional elections with integrity are the dream of every citizen who wants an honest and qualified leader. However, money politics is often used by potential contestants as a shortcut to achieving victory. The public is also asked to stay away from this practice so that leaders with integrity can emerge and lead society.
Money politics and hoaxes need to be avoided together. Because this will only damage the democratic process and produce incompetent leaders. Therefore, it is important for all of us to unite to fight political money and hoaxes in order to create clean and fair regional elections.
Pekanbaru City Regional Secretary (Sekda), Indra Pomi, invited the public to actively fight money politics. In this way, we can realize regional elections with integrity and produce leaders who truly care about their people.
Indra Pomi believes that people, especially mothers in the taklim assembly and women voters, are more committed to rejecting money politics than men. He emphasized that our duty as a society is to stay away from money politics, because we are the main actors in this democratic process.
Indra Pomi also appealed to political parties (parpol) and candidate pairs (paslon) to declare their rejection of money politics, hoaxes and black campaigns. Political parties and candidate pairs must have integrity and commitment to maintaining honesty in the regional election process.
They must declare a clean election mechanism and avoid all forms of fraud. This is important so that the public can assess potential leaders based on their quality, vision and mission and track record, not just sweet promises that are often broken after being elected.
Assessment of potential leaders must be based on seeds, seeds and weight. The public must look at the candidate’s track record, not just from their external appearance. This is natural selection to get truly qualified leaders.
Indra Pomi reminded us not to be easily influenced by campaigns that harm other people’s good names. He does not want residents to be exposed to legal entanglements because they are involved in money politics or black campaigns. Good leaders are those who can protect, care and listen to the voices of the people directly.
Avoiding money politics and hoaxes is very important to maintain the unity and integrity of society. Good leaders are those who can protect, care, and are willing to listen to input and suggestions from the community for the progress of the city of Pekanbaru. Indra Pomi, as Chair of the Regional Election Monitoring Team, reminded that hoaxes could break unity and disrupt stability ahead of the election.
Therefore, we must be wise in receiving information, especially from social media. Don’t easily believe information that is not necessarily true, because this can trigger an unfavorable situation.
Indra Pomi also emphasized the importance of community participation in the Pilkada. He invited the public to come to the polling stations on November 27 2024 and cast their vote. Active community participation is very important to determine the direction of the city for the next five years.
Every vote is very important in this democratic process, and we all must play an active role in ensuring that the regional elections run honestly and fairly.
The South Jakarta Metro Police also plays a role in fighting money politics. They urge citizens to include video evidence if they report money politics. Video evidence is more difficult to refute than photographic evidence.
Head of Sub Unit II for Property, Buildings and Land (Harda Bangtah) of the Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim) of the South Jakarta Metro Police, Ipda Mohamad Syaifudin Zuhri, stated that the reporter must be ready with the best camera to record the incident at the location. Letters can also be valid evidence that cannot be denied.
Even though there are many witnesses in the field, without strong evidence, the perpetrator can still deny it and avoid legal action. Therefore, the active role of the community is very necessary to realize peaceful and clean elections.
Maintaining peaceful elections is not only the task of the Police, but also requires cooperation from all levels of society. Persons involved in money politics can be subject to sanctions based on Law Number 10 of 2016 Article 187A paragraph (1) and Article 73 Paragraph (4). Violators can be punished with imprisonment and very heavy fines.
In facing the Pilkada, let’s unite and reject money politics and hoaxes. Each of us has an important role in realizing clean and fair regional elections. Don’t be easily influenced by momentary lures that damage the democratic process.
Choose a leader who really cares about the people and has a clear vision and mission for the progress of the city. In this way, we can ensure a better future for all of us. So, let’s come to the polling stations on November 27 2024 and use our voting rights wisely.

)* The author is a contributor to the Persada Institute

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