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Rejects abstention from the 2024 regional elections in order to continue development to make Indonesia golden in 2045


By: Indra Fajar Mahendra )*

The simultaneous regional elections which will be held on November 27 2024 are an important moment for all Indonesian people to determine the future direction of their respective regions. Not only is it an opportunity to elect local leaders such as regents and governors, this Pilkada is also an important milestone for change towards a Golden Indonesia. Therefore, let’s all use our voting rights wisely and not abstain. Our voices are the key to bringing change for the better.

Community participation in the 2024 Pilkada needs to be increased. Regarding this, the Acting Regional Secretary (Sekda) of West Lampung, Adi Utama, reminded the public, especially the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) in the local government, not to abstain from voting in the upcoming regional elections. On November 27 2024, simultaneous regional elections will be held throughout Indonesia, including in West Lampung, which will elect the Regent and Deputy Regent. At the Lampung Province level, the people will elect the Governor and Deputy Governor.

Adi Utama emphasized the importance of the community’s role in making the Pilkada a success by using their voting rights according to their conscience, and not abstaining from voting. According to him, the future of West Lampung is in the hands of the community, and active participation in the Pilkada is the key to determining the region’s progress. Adi firmly invites the entire community to participate in the 2024 regional elections. He reminded the community to choose leaders who are deemed fit and proper according to their own conscience, and not to be provoked by irresponsible parties. Every individual has the right to vote which must be respected and used wisely.

On the other hand, the Chairman of the West Lampung KPU, Arip Sah, explained that the healthy exercise activity was part of a series of efforts by the West Lampung KPU to enliven the regional elections on November 27. Currently, the Coklit stage (matching and research) is underway. Arip appealed to people who have not been registered in the Coklit stage to immediately report to the Pilkada organizers. The aim is to ensure that all people can exercise their right to vote in the upcoming regional elections. There will be officers ready to help to ensure people can exercise their right to vote properly.

According to him, the community has an important role in determining the future of West Lampung for the next five years, so using the right to vote well and according to conscience is very important.

Meanwhile, the Mayor of Makassar, Danny Pomanto, emphasized the importance of the Coklit process to match and re-examine the data on voters who will participate in the 2024 Pilkada. Danny Pomanto invited the people of Makassar to be proactive in ensuring their voter data is updated. He emphasized the importance of verifying family members who are able to vote, especially new voters. According to him, the public must help the KPU and Bawaslu in verifying voter data so that the Pilkada can run smoothly.

Danny Pomanto also expressed his gratitude to the KPU and Bawaslu for working optimally in making the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada a success. Makassar has a history of being the best in organizing elections, and he hopes that the public can use their voting rights in this five-yearly political contest to elect good leaders. .

Meanwhile, in Belitung, the Belitung Regency KPU also invited the community to make the 2024 Pilkada a success. The Chairman of the Belitung KPU, Amir Husin, expressed his hope that the community would provide full support so that the 2024 Pilkada would run smoothly and successfully. The Belitung KPU has held a carnival and entertainment activity “Belitong People’s Democratic Party” to launch the implementation stages of the 2024 regional elections.

Amir Husin hopes that through this activity, community participation in the 2024 regional elections will increase. The implementation of regional elections is a five-year routine agenda which aims to produce the best leaders for society.

Amir also invited the public to support the implementation of Coklit activities which are currently underway. This is to ensure that the people’s voting rights in the 2024 regional elections can be channeled properly.

The chairman of the Belitung KPU emphasized that the Coklit stage was very important and asked the public to serve the officers who came to their homes. Don’t let their names or their families’ names not be registered as voters when voting.

With the active participation of the community, it is hoped that the 2024 Pilkada can produce good leaders for the progress and welfare of society, especially in West Lampung and Belitung.

The 2024 simultaneous regional elections are an important moment that we must make the best use of. Don’t abstain, because our vote means a lot. Let’s work together to make this regional election a success by electing leaders who are able to bring about positive change.

The future of our region is in our hands. Use your voting rights wisely and make sure we choose the best leaders. In this way, we can bring our region towards a more advanced and prosperous Golden Indonesia.

)* The author is  a Contributor to the Nusantara Reading Room

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