Society Needs to Actively Prevent Radicalism to Realize Golden Indonesia
By: Irfan Aditya )*
Indonesia is a country rich in diversity, both in terms of culture, religion, ethnicity, and language. This diversity is one of the greatest strengths of this nation, but on the other hand, diversity can also be a challenge if not managed wisely. One of the major challenges facing Indonesia today is radicalism. Radicalism, which often leads to acts of terrorism and extremism, can damage social harmony and destroy the values of unity that have been built with great difficulty. Therefore, it is very important for the community to actively prevent radicalism so that we can realize a Golden Indonesia in the future.
Head of BNPT, Commissioner General. Pol. Eddy Hartono said that radicalism can damage harmony and unity, and threaten human values. It is important to spread correct understanding, constructive dialogue, and an attitude of tolerance amidst differences. Only by uniting against radicalism can we create a stronger and more just Indonesia, ready to face a bright and glorious future.
Indonesia Emas is the dream of the Indonesian people to become an advanced, prosperous, and harmonious country in 2045, coinciding with 100 years of Indonesian independence. To realize this ideal, one of the main requirements is the creation of strong social and political stability. One factor that can threaten this stability is the spread of radicalism that can divide society. Radicalism often arises from dissatisfaction with social or political conditions, and is sometimes exacerbated by misinformation or hoaxes spread on social media.
The first step that needs to be taken is to increase public awareness of the importance of tolerance and diversity. Education about the importance of unity in diversity must begin early, both in schools and in the community. With a better understanding of harmony between religions, ethnicities, and races, society will find it easier to overcome invitations that have the potential to lead to radicalism. In addition, social media must be used wisely. The public needs to be trained to be more critical in filtering the information they receive, and not easily trapped in hoax news that can worsen polarization.
In addition, the community needs to be more active in building communication between groups. Dialogue between various community groups, both at the local and national levels, can strengthen the sense of unity and reduce the possibility of social polarization that leads to radicalism. The government, together with community organizations and religious leaders, has an important role in facilitating meetings like this to align perceptions about the importance of togetherness and unity.
At the family level, the role of parents is also very vital. The family is the smallest unit in society that has a major influence on the development of a child’s personality. Parents must be able to instill noble values such as tolerance, compassion, and peace in their children from an early age. In addition, parents also need to monitor their children’s social interactions, especially in cyberspace, to ensure that they are not exposed to content containing radical teachings.
Meanwhile, Head of Task Force II Preemptive Operation Madago Raya Polda Sulteng, AKBP Moh. Taufik said that his party had strengthened religious moderation in an effort to prevent the spread of radicalism and intolerance. This activity is also to support efforts to maintain public security and order (kamtibmas) and prevent radicalism and intolerance in the region.
Prevention of radicalism can also be done through economic empowerment. Many people fall into radicalization because they feel marginalized or do not get the opportunity to develop economically. Therefore, creating broad employment opportunities and providing skills training to the community can be a solution to reduce the potential for radicalization. When people feel prosperous and have a better future, they will be more likely to focus on developing themselves and the nation rather than engaging in detrimental activities.
The importance of community participation in preventing radicalism must also be supported by firm steps from the government. The government needs to continue to strengthen the legal system and impose firm sanctions on anyone involved in radical activities. However, law enforcement alone will not be enough without collaboration with the community. An active and caring community will be able to detect the potential for radicalization early on and report it to the authorities for immediate handling.
Radicalism is not only a threat to the individuals involved, but also to the entire nation. Therefore, to realize Indonesia Emas, we mustua, both government, society, and the private sector, must unite to prevent the spread of radicalism. By strengthening the sense of unity, increasing awareness of the importance of diversity, and creating equitable prosperity, Indonesia can become a safer, more peaceful, and more advanced country. We have great potential to achieve these goals, as long as we are all committed to maintaining the integrity of the nation and preventing radicalization in all its forms. Golden Indonesia is not just a dream, but a reality that can be achieved if we all work together to achieve it.
)* The author is a social observer