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Society Needs to Be Aware of the Spread of Radicalism


By : Junika Karmila)*

Radicalism is an ideology or attitude that wants social and political change or reform in an extreme and drastic way. In Indonesia, the spread of radicalism poses a serious threat to national stability and security. Therefore, society needs to be alert to the spread of this ideology. The following are several facts and advice regarding the phenomenon of radicalism in Indonesia.

Based on data from the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT), the number of terrorism cases in Indonesia shows an increasing trend. Terrorism, which is often rooted in radical ideology, not only threatens state security but also undermines the social order.

Technology and social media have become the main tools for radical groups to spread their ideology. Through platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, they can reach and recruit new members more easily and quickly.

Some radical groups take advantage of the education system to spread their ideology. They infiltrate educational institutions and provide distorted teachings to the younger generation. This is very dangerous because the young generation is the nation’s future assets.

The family environment is also a potential place for the spread of radicalism. Children who grow up in a family environment that adheres to radical ideology tend to be more easily exposed to and accept this ideology.

Dissatisfaction with economic and social conditions often triggers individuals to seek extreme solutions, including accepting radical ideologies. Injustice, poverty and lack of job opportunities can make a person vulnerable to the influence of radicalism.

Academician at Nahdlatul Ulama University (UNU) Surakarta, Amir Mahmud reminded the public to remain alert to the spread of radicalism, because the existence of radical groups has not completely disappeared.

The entire community is invited to be loyal to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI), Pancasila, and the 1945 Constitution. Indonesia has been seen by the world as a model of life for people with various backgrounds.

This is to prevent the public from being careless so that the Republic of Indonesia remains strong without being poisoned by immigrants who want to spread radicalism by glorifying religious symbols, nasab, and so on. The Indonesian state does not belong to just one group, but to all Indonesian people from Sabang to Merauke, who are loyal to the state consensus.

Radical groups such as Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) have not completely disappeared because of the deeply rooted thoughts and ideals of the caliphate or the establishment of an Islamic state. Apart from that, the internet and social media are fertile fields to support their movements.

The militancy of HTI cadres formed from its ideology is very difficult to eliminate. Ideology cannot be blocked by place or time, so ideology has high resistance to survive and is able to spread from one person to another.

Apart from that, HTI also has a process of mobilizing or approaching certain levels of society, especially the younger generation, which aims to ensure that the ideology of the caliphate will continue to survive even as times change.

Radical groups have learned a lot from failure. Therefore, the approach pattern of groups with transnational ideologies has become more humanistic and appears friendly to residents, such as members of the Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) group who blend into the environment where they live.

Movements from various circles of society to prevent the spread of radicalism and intolerance within the country are now increasingly rapid. This suggests that the public is starting to care about this threat and is trying to close the loopholes that could potentially be used by radical groups to destroy the Republic of Indonesia.

The government together with the citizens never get tired of encouraging them to care about the surrounding environment. Chairman of the Bangka Belitung FKPT, Sri Wahyuni, said that Kenduri in Pemali District is a strategy for the BNPT (National Agency for the Prevention of Terrorism) in an effort to strengthen the values ​​of tolerance. So it is hoped that it will be able to create an environment that is more resilient and alert to radicalism.

This provision has the potential to build self-fortification and resilience in local communities so that they remain strong despite various trials that come their way. Apart from that, the Acting Regent of Bangka, Muhammad Haris, continues to involve the community in preventing radicalism and terrorism through the Bangka Belitung Terrorism Prevention Coordination Forum (FKPT).

It is believed that this activity will have a positive impact on society. Especially to better understand what terrorism is, how to detect it, and train sensitivity to the surrounding environment. Intake of understanding, education to the community like this must be continuously carried out, related to preventing terrorism and understanding radicalism in the environment, especially.

The spread of radicalism is a real threat that all levels of society must be aware of. By understanding the existing facts and taking appropriate precautions, we can fight radical ideology together and maintain the integrity and security of the nation. Let’s increase awareness and vigilance, and join hands in efforts to prevent the spread of radicalism in Indonesia.

In this way, we not only protect ourselves but also ensure a safe and peaceful future for future generations.

)* The author is a student at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences

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