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Supporting the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in Exposing Corruption Bansos Covid-19


By: Putu Prawira)*

The community supports the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to continue to uncover the corruption of the Covid-19 Social Assistance Agency. Social assistance corruption is a major crime that not only hinders the handling of Covid-19 but also adds to the suffering of the wider community.

The Social Assistance Corruption case must be revealed, social assistance which should be a support for people affected by Covid-19 is of course very inhumane if it is cut by unscrupulous officials.

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is trying to find state losses in the procurement of social assistance (bansos) for handling the Covid-19 pandemic at the Ministry of Social Affairs for the 2020 fiscal year. It is known that the KPK is investigating allegations of corruption in the provision of social assistance.

Acting (Plt) KPK spokesman Ali Fikri in his statement stated, Sampoai is currently still running for social assistance case investigation activities. The bribe is done, but is there any possibility of loss to the country? Of course this is under review. Ali said the investigative team was currently investigating the allegations of article 2 and article 3 in this case. According to him, when the investigative team finds the allegation, it will be escalated to the investigation stage and ensnare the party responsible.

We need to know that in Article 2 paragraph (1) of Law No. 31 of 1999 concerning the Crime of Corruption, it is stated that every person who unlawfully commits an act of enriching himself or another person or a corporation that can harm state finances or the state economy, is sentenced to a criminal sanction. life imprisonment or a minimum sentence of 4 years and a maximum of 20 years and a minimum fine of IDR 200,000,000 (two hundred million rupiah) and a maximum of IDR 1,000,000,000 (one billion rupiah).

Meanwhile, Article 2 paragraph (2) states. In the event that the criminal act of corruption as referred to in paragraph (1) is committed under certain circumstances, the death penalty may be imposed. Whereas Article 3 reads, any person who with the aim of benefiting himself or another person or a corporation, abuses the authority, opportunity or facilities available to him because of a position or position that can harm the state finances or the state economy, is sentenced to life imprisonment or imprisonment. one year and a maximum of 20 years and/or with a minimum of IDR 50 million and a maximum of IDR 1 billion.

As is known, the central government and Member of the House of Representatives Commission III Supriansa also asked the police to arrest the perpetrators of social assistance circumcision for people affected by the corona. The reason is, cutting aid funds is tantamount to abusing their authority. Strict supervision is absolutely necessary so that aid in the midst of a pandemic can be distributed to people who really need it.

The government has budgeted IDR 3.2 trillion in social assistance for Jabodetabek residents affected by the corona. The assistance in the form of basic food packages was distributed to 2.6 million people or 1.2 million heads of families with an amount of Rp 600,000 per month for 3 months.

The social assistance program managed by the Ministry of Social Affairs consists of regular social assistance and special social assistance. Regular social assistance is designed to support government policies in accelerating poverty alleviation. The regular social assistance in question is the Family Hope Program (PKH) and Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT) / Basic Food Cards.

The target is that BST can be distributed starting last week or at the latest until this weekend. The disbursement will be given for two months at a time, so it is expected to be a cushion for people affected by PPKM.

Member of the House of Representatives Commission III Supriansa also asked the police to arrest the perpetrators of social assistance circumcision for people affected by the corona. The reason is, cutting aid funds is tantamount to abusing their authority. Strict supervision is absolutely necessary so that aid in the midst of a pandemic can be distributed to people who really need disbursement and.

The existence of social assistance (bansos) is certainly very useful for people affected by the pandemic. We should appreciate the good intentions of the government to continue to provide assistance to people affected by the pandemic. We certainly hope that this injection of assistance will quickly recover Indonesia from the Covid-19 pandemic, especially from the economic sector.

There are indeed many beneficiaries, so it is very possible that someone will make PSIW a victim of pranks from their co-workers. Even though it is fun, we should not carelessly wear uniforms when we are in service. However, vigilance against the apparatus is commonplace, waiting for the candidate has not started yet

)* The author is a contributor to the Press Circle and Cikini Students

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