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Supporting the Government to Maintain Papua’s Security from Separatist Groups


By : Roy Andarek*)

Papua, a land rich in natural beauty and cultural diversity, continues to be plagued by raging conflicts caused by separatist groups. Papua has become the center of world attention because of the potential for a prolonged conflict that will sacrifice many civilians and security forces. In this context, supporting the government in maintaining Papua’s security from separatist groups is an urgent task for all parties.

BMRI-Papua Chairman Max Abner Ohe, who is also one of the leaders of the Papuan People’s Council (MRP), stated that cooperation between the central government, the Indonesian National Army (TNI), and the Indonesian National Police (Polri) had made a significant contribution in maintaining the situation. security and encouraging development in the land of Papua. This is very important in developing Papua and as a joint effort to maintain Papua as an integral part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

The community’s aspirations collected by various institutions are a starting point for regional governments to jointly take positive steps in Papua’s development. This effort is not only related to physical infrastructure, but also to upholding human rights and protecting all Papuan people.

In addition, MPR Chairman Bambang Soesatyo reminded the importance of national vigilance regarding political and security dynamics in Papua which have an impact on the national economy and investment. He said the dynamics in Papua show that Indonesia is an object and also a center of gravity for global interests. Meanwhile, on the other hand, the abundance of natural resources that Indonesia has, including in Papua, must be properly maintained for the economic interests of the people. Therefore, nurturing the national spirit, as a process of introspection, must be realized in the form of commitment as a united nation living in sovereignty in the archipelago from Sabang to Merauke.

There must be awareness from all stakeholders and all elements of the nation, especially the Papuan people, that the welfare of all people is a constitutional mandate. Therefore, it will be impossible to develop Papua if the intensity and escalation of violent acts never ends. It is important to remember that infrastructure development, efforts to encourage investment, opening industrial areas and various other physical developments are not enough. Because development must not forget the subject of development itself, namely humans, in this context the people in the Papua region.

The challenges faced in maintaining Papua’s security from separatist groups are not easy. The Indonesian government must take a balanced approach between security and development. A strong commitment is needed to fight for the rights of the Papuan people while still upholding state sovereignty.

In the last few weeks, the Head of Public Relations of the Papua Regional Police, Police Commissioner Ignatius Benny Ady Prabowo, SH, SIK, M.Kom said that the security and public order (kamtibmas) situation in the area has remained safe and conducive for several days. A safe and conducive security and social security situation in Papua and the 3 new autonomous regions cannot be separated from good cooperation between the National Police, TNI and the government and community. The achievements achieved in implementing various national and local agendas in Papua and the 3 new autonomous regions are clear evidence of good cooperation between the National Police and local communities, the TNI and the Government.

The Papuan people have an important role in maintaining regional security. Many of them want to live in peace and economic progress, without being influenced by the political agenda of separatist groups.

The Kostrad Yonif 323 Task Force continues to promote nationalism development programs among the young generation of Papua. This time, the White Crocodile Knights from Sinak Post gave direct teaching to Sinak Elementary School children about marching, in Sinak District, Puncak Regency, Papua. This activity aims to educate the nation’s children and instill a sense of love for the Indonesian homeland in the young generation of Papua, as well as the importance of education and moral development among children.

Dansatgas Mobile Yonif 323/Buaya Putih, Lt. Col. Inf Tri Wiratno, stated that the program not only aims to protect the interior of Papua, but also to help shape high character and discipline in the children there. By combining practice and games, they strive to increase children’s enthusiasm and confidence in learning.

Economic development efforts in Papua must be accelerated to reduce social and economic inequality which is one of the triggers of conflict. Investments in infrastructure, education and health can open up opportunities for the Papuan people to improve their standard of living.

Apart from that, supporting the government in maintaining Papua’s security from separatist groups is a shared responsibility for all parties. A strong commitment is needed from the government, Papuan people and communities to achieve sustainable peace in the region. With support from various parties, including the central government, regional governments and community organizations, through dialogue, economic development, community empowerment and international support, we can help create a Papua that is peaceful, stable and prosperous for all its residents. So, it is hoped that Papua will remain a home for all its citizens within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, towards the nation’s common ideals.

*) Papuan students live in Jakarta

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