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Supporting the smooth running of the 2024 PHPU legislative election hearing by the Constitutional Court


The General Election Results Dispute (PHPU) trial in the 2024 Legislative Election (Pileg) by the Constitutional Court (MK) is currently still ongoing. The public is also asked to always maintain a conducive situation and make the 2024 PHPU legislative election trial a success so that the trial runs according to the predetermined schedule.

The smooth running of the general election results dispute hearing has become the obligation of all parties as well as a shared responsibility to make it happen. Because this will have a big impact on the sustainability of the fate of democracy in Indonesia and the fate of the nation in the future.

Because, if the decision in the PHPU trial is able to accommodate the interests of all parties by being able to attract support from the community, then state stability will be achieved well because the leaders who occupy positions are in accordance with the people’s choice.

The Constitutional Court itself, in every PHPU legislative election session, continues to strive to bring in various competent parties who must be present to give their testimony, such as political parties (parpol), then the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) and the local KPUD.

Therefore, with the Constitutional Court’s efforts to be able to present many parties cross-sectorally so that the information in the general election dispute hearing can be comprehensive.

Bappilu DPD DKI Democratic Party, Firmansyah then welcomed very positively how the trial went. According to him, the trial went very extraordinary because the judge carried out random checks on the evidence submitted by the applicant.

Then, from checking the evidence submitted by the applicant, the Constitutional Judge will then compare the evidence the respondent has with the judge’s ownership of the matching data.

Apart from that, in the next agenda, if there is the opening of sealed ballot boxes, this must also involve active participation from security forces, Bawaslu and also related political parties. In this way, the truth will be increasingly revealed and how real votes are obtained or in accordance with how real facts are taking place in the field.

MK Judge Arief Hidayat also administered the oath to the witnesses in the trial. In fact, on several occasions, he made a number of statements to the applicant’s witnesses and the respondent’s witnesses.

Meanwhile, the President of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) Joko Widodo (Jokowi) also expressed very high appreciation for the achievements of the Constitutional Court in handling disputes over general election results, both in the presidential and legislative elections.

The Head of State’s appreciation and appreciation is because so far the Constitutional Court has made many great achievements in resolving disputes over the results of the Presidential Election and the Legislative Election through all kinds of methods and processes that are very transparent and open.

Not only that, but the Constitutional Justices continue to make mature and fair considerations so that the results of the democratic process are able to gain a lot of people’s trust.

On the other hand, Researcher from the Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem), Kahfi Adlan Haifz, said that there was a glimmer of hope for a democratic party in Indonesia, which hope came from how the MK’s PHPU trial took place.

In fact, the active role of the Constitutional Court is not only extraordinary at the national level, but also in international constitutional justice forums and communities as well, thus making many parties view the MK as very dignified in the eyes of the world.

So far, the results of the decisions made by the Constitutional Court in each PHPU hearing continue to be in accordance with the principles of justice. Moreover, courts such as the Constitutional Court itself are the place where disputes and disputes end, and also if there are disputes in elections, whether in the last presidential or legislative elections.

Therefore, the position of the Constitutional Court in this country is actually very important. Moreover, all Constitutional Justices also have a strong commitment to bring justice in the election dispute process so that all parties are able to experience the benefits of the law.

Justice itself occurs when each party in a dispute is able to obtain legal benefits and legal certainty, all of which are things that the Constitutional Court strives to achieve.

In every PHPU hearing, be it the presidential or legislative elections, the Constitutional Court also continues to give anyone the opportunity to speak by presenting their evidence by bringing in witnesses or experts.

The efforts to bring in witnesses and factual evidence in the trial are a concrete manifestation of how the Constitutional Court upholds the upholding of democratic principles in Indonesia. Because in the end they will decide based on the type of evidence, which can be in the form of documents, expert witnesses and also the judge’s beliefs and all the facts at the trial.

The trial of the general election results dispute (PHPU) in the 2024 Legislative Election (Pileg) went very extraordinary. This cannot be separated from the role and hard work of the Constitutional Court as the party that decides cases.

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