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Synergy between Security Forces and the Community is an Important Key to Eradicating OPM


Synergy between security forces and the community is the main key in efforts to overcome the conflict in Papua. Moreover, in dealing with the separatist group Free Papua Organization (OPM), close collaboration between these two entities has a vital role.

Papua, as a region that has complex social and political dynamics, requires a holistic and inclusive approach to achieve sustainable peace. Strong synergy between security forces and the community is an irreplaceable foundation in achieving the vision of a peaceful and prosperous Papua.

The success of military operations in the Aitinyo District area, Maybrat Regency, Southwest Papua, shows that strategic collaboration between the Indonesian National Army (TNI) and local communities can bring significant results. Only with solid cooperation can we ensure that the threat of separatism can be suppressed and stability in Papua maintained.

In the latest operation, the 133/Yudha Sakti Infantry Battalion Task Force succeeded in controlling one of the OPM headquarters in the forest area of ​​Aitinyo District. The Task Force Commander, Lt. Col. Inf Andhika Ganessakti, explained that the headquarters had been used as a hiding place by the separatist group. This success is clear evidence of the effectiveness of the operational pattern implemented, namely the separate, herd, localize and destroy method.

According to Lt. Col. Andhika, the operation not only succeeded in securing the headquarters, but also found various important pieces of evidence. Items that were seized included 5.56 caliber ammunition, bullet casings, OPM flags, Morning Star accessories, bags, cellphone chargers and documents listing telephone numbers. This finding is concrete evidence of separatist activity that seeks to undermine state sovereignty.

The operation carried out by the Yudha Sakti mobile team was actually a continuation of previous findings. In an operation that required traveling dozens of kilometers through forests and rivers, Serda Pardosi, who led the patrol team, said that they did not find any OPM members at the location.

It is suspected that the separatists had left the location before the team arrived. However, the assignment of Yonif 133/YS Task Force will continue for the next two months with a focus on combat and territorial operations to suppress OPM activities.

Not only on land, efforts to eradicate OPM are also carried out in the waters. Main TNI Naval Base (Lantamal) XIV Sorong has increased patrols around the bays and sea waters of Papua. This step was taken to prevent the entry of logistics and firearms that could strengthen separatist groups.

Deputy Commander of Lantamal XIV Sorong, Colonel (Mar) Rio Sukanto, emphasized the importance of this patrol in maintaining security and order in the Papua region. Colonel Rio emphasized that in carrying out their duties, Lantamal XIV members always comply with standard operating procedures (SOP) when inspecting ships.

This inspection not only targets weapons and logistics suppliers for OPM, but also ensures the completeness of documents for ships operating in Papuan waters. If incomplete documents or invalid permits are found, Lantamal Sorong tries to help the fishermen or ship owners to complete their document deficiencies.

Apart from that, Colonel Rio also invited the public and fishermen to play an active role in providing information regarding suspicious activities at sea. Community support is urgently needed to narrow the space for OPM and cut off their logistical supply lines. With good cooperation between the community and security forces, it is hoped that Papua can become a safer and more peaceful region.

The success in military operations and maritime patrols shows the importance of synergy between various parties. Security forces cannot work alone to face the threat of separatism. Community participation is vital, both in providing information and in supporting the security efforts carried out. This is in line with the concept of national security which is not only the responsibility of the authorities, but also the responsibility of all elements of the nation.

It is important to continue to mobilize community support in every security operation. Education and outreach regarding the dangers of separatism and the importance of mutual security must continue to be intensified. Society needs to understand that stability and security are important prerequisites for development and prosperity. Without security, all development efforts will be disrupted and community welfare will not be achieved.

The operations carried out by the Infantry Battalion 133/Yudha Sakti Task Force and Lantamal XIV Sorong also gave a strong message to the OPM group that the country would never back down in maintaining its sovereignty and territorial integrity. The operation, which will continue for the next two months, shows the security forces’ high commitment to eradicating separatism in Papua. With synergy between security forces and the community, threats from separatist groups such as OPM can be suppressed. People in Papua have the right to live in peace and enjoy the results of development without security disturbances.  

The success of this operation is a step forward towards a safer and more prosperous Papua. Let us continue to support this effort by actively participating in maintaining security and providing useful information to security forces.

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