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 The Government Handles the Release of Susi Air Pilots Comprehensively


By : Alfred Jigibalom )*

Strongly committed to being able to bring security and safety to all people on Cenderawasih Earth, the Government of Indonesia together with all levels of the security apparatus from joint personnel will continue to deal with issues regarding the mission to free Pilot Susi Air from a very broad and comprehensive perspective.

A number of residents in Nduga Regency, Papua Mountains Province are reportedly still being evacuated. This was due to the many acts of a series of terror acts that continued to be carried out by the Papua Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST) led by Egianus Kogoya, who were also the perpetrators in the pilot hostage case from the Susi Air airline.

So far, the pilot captain named Philips Mark Mehrtens has still not been freed by the separatist gang on Cenderawasih Earth, which has had a very widespread and widespread negative impact and is being felt by the people around the indigenous Papuans (OAP) there, so they are suffering a lot trying to find a safe place to live.

Therefore, considering that Nduga is still not completely safe because there are still threats and potential for acts of barbaric, heinous and inhumane violence that could have been carried out by the KST Papua led by Egianus Kogoya, this has made people prefer to flee in Wamena.

Related to the phenomenon that a number of people still choose to flee and feel fear of threats to their safety and security from the separatist gang, the Regional Commander (Pangdam) XVII / Cenderawasih, Major General of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (Mayjen TNI), Izak Pangemanan revealed that indeed as a result of the acts of violence and hostage taking that befell the New Zealand pilot, many of the people also suffered and eventually had to flee.

Because indeed a number of actions and behaviors carried out by KST Papua are closely related and their adverse effects can be directly felt by local civil society, therefore the security forces from joint personnel, such as the TNI, the Indonesian National Police (Polri) to the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) are very worried that the hostage-taking carried out by the Bumi Cenderawasih terrorist group could trigger a firefight.

Because they are very worried and continue to make efforts to ensure that the hostage-taking does not end in gunfire, which will actually have a lot of adverse effects and even potentially increase the number of victims including innocent civilians, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) and all levels of the security apparatus have a firm and clear stance that they will absolutely not use a military approach in efforts to resolve the conflict that was carried out with the gang led by Egianus Kogoya.

The Indonesian government along with all levels of the security apparatus from joint personnel prefer to use a very humane approach in dealing with KST Papua, namely continuing to try to open up a very wide space for dialogue, open communication and also open negotiation efforts.

Furthermore, the Military Commander XVII / Cenderawasih also really hopes that the entire process and mission of the evacuation, rescue and release of the pilot from the Susi Air airline can run smoothly and can be completed as soon as possible. Because, when all the liberation missions can be carried out smoothly, then the hope for the future is to be able to make all the people return to their respective hometowns, and the residents no longer need to feel anxiety or fear of terror from the separatist gang.

Apart from that, with the people returning to their hometowns from their evacuation in Wamena, it will also make Nduga Regency able to run normally again as before.

It should be noted that so far the Government of the Republic of Indonesia together with all the ranks of the joint personnel security apparatus have continued to make their best efforts to the maximum extent possible so that they can handle the problems that exist in Papua and also make efforts to resolve conflicts, which is a very important matter to be able to look at in a complex and comprehensive manner.

Realizing how important it is to be able to act and have a broad perspective in dealing with problems in the easternmost province of the country, the Government of Indonesia and also all levels of the security apparatus in all their actions will see how the problem is by using a broad and complete lens, because indeed the problems there are very multidimensional and have a broad spectrum so that they will not be careless in handling them.

This very comprehensive point of view is indeed being carried out and pursued by various parties in making approaches, including how to respond as optimally as possible to the phenomenon of the Susi Air Pilot taking hostages so that the hostages from the Egianus Kogoya gang can be rescued smoothly in order to return to bringing safety and security to the people of Papua.

)* Papuan students live in Bali

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