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The Importance of Religious Moderation in Pope Francis’ Historic Visit to Indonesia


By: Andhika Rachman

Pope Francis’ visit to Indonesia is a historic moment that is highly anticipated by people from various religious backgrounds. As the supreme leader of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Francis’ presence in the country is not only a pastoral visit, but also a symbol of interfaith dialogue and strengthening the values ​​of religious moderation. This visit is an important moment to reaffirm the importance of moderation in religion and how it can strengthen social harmony and peace between religious communities.

Indonesia is known as a country with very rich religious diversity. Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism are religions that are officially recognized by the state, but besides that, there are still many local beliefs that also live and thrive in society. In such a diverse situation, it is important for all elements of society to prioritize religious moderation, namely an attitude that is not extreme in religion and respects the diversity of religious views and practices.

Religious moderation is one of the main pillars that support the unity of the Indonesian nation. This moderation involves an attitude of tolerance, mutual respect, and a willingness to dialogue and work together in facing common challenges. In this context, Pope Francis’ visit is very relevant because it re-elevates the urgency of the values ​​of moderation in religion, especially amidst the various challenges faced by the Indonesian nation.

Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership, Syafiq Mughni, emphasized the importance of Pope Francis’ visit as a momentum to build mutual trust between religious communities in order to create world peace. The same perception needs to be applied by all religions in responding to various events in the world, not only those related to religion, but also in political, economic, social, cultural, and other issues.

In the context of Indonesia, Pope Francis’ visit not only strengthens the relationship between Catholics and other religions, but also encourages joint efforts to strengthen religious moderation. Pope Francis, through his visit, brought the message that moderation is the best way to maintain harmony and prevent radicalism and extremism that can damage the social order.

Pope Francis’ visit to Indonesia also has an important meaning in the context of nationality. As a country based on Pancasila, Indonesia has national values ​​that are in line with the principles of religious moderation. The first principle of Pancasila, namely “Belief in the One and Only God,” emphasizes that the Indonesian people recognize the existence of God and uphold the values ​​of spirituality, but also respect the diversity of existing religions.

One of the biggest challenges facing Indonesia and the world today is the threat of extremism and radicalism. Extremism is often rooted in a narrow and intolerant understanding of religion, which is then manipulated for certain political or ideological interests. In Indonesia, this phenomenon can be seen from various cases of intolerance and religious-based violence that have occurred in recent years.

Religious moderation offers a solution to face this threat. By prioritizing a moderate attitude, religious people are invited to understand religion in a more inclusive and open way, and to appreciate differences as part of social wealth. Pope Francis’ visit is the right moment to campaign for the importance of religious moderation as a bulwark against extremism.

Pope Francis’ visit is an important opportunity to strengthen religious moderation in Indonesia. His presence can inspire religious communities to be more open in dialogue and work together to build peace. In addition, this visit is also a momentum to remind us of the importance of maintaining national unity amidst diversity.

Rector of Atma Jaya Catholic University, Yuda Turana said to welcome the state visit of Pope Francis to Indonesia. His party will always prioritize its core values ​​and always instill the principle of true brotherhood and respect every difference that exists.

The religious and cultural diversity in Indonesia is not only recognized by the international world, but is also one of the strong reasons Pope Francis chose Indonesia as one of his visiting destinations.

Pope Francis Visitation Committee Spokesperson, Father Thomas Ulun Ismoyo said Indonesia is not only an example for other countries, but also an inspiration in terms of how people with different backgrounds can live side by side peacefully.

This is a symbol of interfaith dialogue and peace, this visit reminds us of the importance of prioritizing a moderate attitude in religion. Amidst the various challenges faced, religious moderation is the key to maintaining social harmony and preventing conflict.

Pope Francis, through his visit, brought a strong message that dialogue and cooperation between religious communities is the best way to create a more peaceful and just world. In Indonesia, this message is very relevant considering the religious diversity that exists. This visit is expected to be a starting point for religious communities in Indonesia to prioritize moderation in religious life and together build a harmonious, peaceful, and prosperous society.

)* Student of Jakarta University

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