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The joining of Acehnese Youth in the AMANAH Program is the Key to Success in Equal Development


The joining of young people from the area nicknamed Rencong Country in the Aneuk Muda Aceh Excellent and Great (AMANAH) Program is one of the keys to the success of efforts to equalize development.

So far, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) during the leadership of Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has continued to strive to ensure equitable development even to all corners of the country. Of course, this effort should receive full support from all parties, including the youth of the nation’s next generation, namely by joining the AMANAH Program.

When young people join the AMANAH Program, there they will receive a lot of provision, guidance and upbringing that will make the young people’s national character strong. It’s not enough to stop there, but they will also become quality young people who will make the government’s efforts in terms of equitable development in Indonesia a success.

Furthermore, it is an important indicator of success in equitable development in the country, namely when the Youth Development Index (IPP) also increases.

For information, IPP is a composite index that is able to provide an overview of individual development, livelihood development and welfare as well as participation in various fields of life, especially from youth nationally.

Regarding this matter, the Indonesian Government in its National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) targets that at least the Youth Development Index in 2024 must be able to reach 57.

Therefore, the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia (Wapres RI), KH Ma’ruf Amin emphasized that there must be strong coordination between sectors and institutions in order to achieve an increase in the index. And the local regional government (Pemda) must be more committed to allocating funds for youth development.

With this direction, it truly shows how strong the government’s commitment is to continue to promote development for the country’s young generation so that there is no ‘lost generation’ of the nation’s future young generation.

Discussing the government’s efforts to promote equitable development to all corners of the country, the Acting Regent of Nagan Raya, Aceh Province, Fitriany Farhas, gave his full support to the AMANAH program.

According to him, the Aneuk Muda Aceh Excellent and Great program initiated by the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) has enormous potential, especially because its target is very precise, namely young people.

In fact, development for the young generation from the area nicknamed the Veranda of Mecca is what Aceh really needs, considering that this area is one of the poorest regions in Sumatra.

So in other words, the various guidance and education in the AMANAH Program will make Acehnese youth into the next generation of quality, excellence and greatness so that they are able to raise the dignity and status of their own region to be equal to other regions in Indonesia and create equality.

Indeed, the young generation is an asset to the nation and state, therefore they must have a lot of provisions in the form of knowledge and skills and have the competence to take their region in a more advanced direction than before.

No half-hearted, even the various kinds of training that Acehnese youth will receive from the initiation program of the institution led by Police General (Ret.) Prof. Dr. Budi Gunawan will be able to prepare themselves very carefully and continue to channel their various innovations so that they are ready to face global competition.

Therefore, support, collaboration and synergy from various elements are very important for the successful sustainability of the AMANAH Program, which can also indirectly help the success of the government’s efforts to equalize development in Indonesia.

When support is optimal from various elements for this program, it is not impossible that Aneuk Muda Aceh Superior and Great will give birth to the young generation of Rencong Country who can support their own regional economy independently in the future.

So far, there is still a shortage of human resources (HR) in Aceh, even though on the other hand, the potential in this area is very rich, such as in the fisheries, agriculture, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) sectors and even in the IT sector.

However, whatever natural wealth a region has, if it is not balanced with optimized support from qualified human resources, then the result will be the same, this natural wealth will not be managed optimally. All parties must realize how important it is to fully support the sustainability of the AMANAH Program. Especially for young people, their participation in the BIN initiation program is clearly one of the keys to success in the government’s efforts to achieve equitable development because with it, the young generation in Aceh will experience an increase in the quality of human resources so that they are able to optimally manage their own natural resources.

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