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There is no ban on wearing the hijab for Paskibraka at IKN, the government upholds tolerance and respects participants’ beliefs



Indonesian Institute for Strategic Information Studies

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There is no ban on wearing the hijab for Paskibraka at IKN, the government upholds tolerance and respects participants’ beliefs

 lsisi team Send an email19 hours ago 

093 minutes read

By: Linda Permata*

The Government of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) highly upholds the values ​​and spirit of tolerance in the country by continuing to respect the beliefs of all its people, including the participants of the Heritage Flag Raising Troops (Paskibraka) who served in the celebration of the Independence Day Ceremony of the Republic of Indonesia. 79 in the National Capital (IKN) of the Archipelago.

In an effort to uphold the values ​​of tolerance and respect every belief of the participants, there is absolutely no prohibition in any form on wearing the headscarf or hijab, especially for female paskibraka members at IKN.

So, when the women’s Paskibraka members are on duty to raise the Heritage Flag at IKN Nusantara, they don’t need to worry at all about how they carry out their religious beliefs, because the government really upholds the values ​​of tolerance and respects every belief they hold. Therefore, there is absolutely no prohibition on wearing the hijab or hijab.

Chief of Presidential Staff, Moeldoko said that the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo (Jokowi) played a role in all parties continuing to respect the beliefs of the Paskibraka members who served in the implementation of the 79th Indonesian Independence Day Independence Ceremony at IKN.

Likewise, the Presidential Secretariat Office also emphasized that there is absolutely no prohibition on wearing the headscarf or hijab for Muslim female Paskibraka members. According to the Head of the Presidential Secretariat (Kasatpres), Heru Budi Hartono, they can still wear the hijab when serving at the 79th Indonesian Independence Day ceremony at IKN.

In fact, during the dress rehearsal at IKN Nusantara, the Muslim women’s Paskibraka members continued to wear their headscarves because there was no such prohibition.

They can all still wear the headscarf or hijab as when they first registered as Paskibraka members. Then, there was an Education and Training Center (Diklat) for Paskibraka members in order to further focus on the values ​​of tolerance between participants and also the values ​​of nationality and love of the Motherland.

Attitudes of tolerance, mutual respect and always being kind and humble towards everyone are things that continue to be instilled in all Paskibraka members at IKN. This is because they can adapt to the new environment.

The reason is, the members of the heritage flag raising troops will meet, stay and live together with their peers from various regions during training. Therefore, they must continue to be polite and courteous and uphold the value of tolerance.

All the provisions they received were aimed at further optimizing the preparations of the paskibraka candidates ahead of the 79th Indonesian Independence Day ceremony at IKN Nusantara.

Meanwhile, Zahratushyta Dwi Artika, a class

The women’s Paskibraka members voluntarily follow all the rules regarding clothing. Apart from that, there is absolutely no prohibition or coercion for them to remove the hijab.

With the freedom of all troops carrying the heritage flag in the National Capital to wear clothing according to their respective beliefs in order to uphold the high values ​​of tolerance, this then brought appreciation from many parties.

Chairman of the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board, Ahmad Fahrur Rozi or Gus Fahrur, expressed his gratitude to the government, especially President Joko Widodo, who had given his attention to ensure that the appearance of the Paskibraka participants at IKN remained graceful and elegant even though they wore the hijab, which is the case. very proud of many people.

Moreover, in reality the clothing in the form of the headscarf or hijab that Muslim women wear is part of religious teachings which are in accordance with the values ​​in the state’s basic philosophy, namely Pancasila. The use of the hijab itself in Paskibraka does not reduce the aesthetics and beauty of the row at all, but actually makes it look neater and more beautiful.

So far, the government has been very wise in making all decisions, especially for sensitive matters such as religious issues because the practice of Pancasila values ​​continues to be a strong guideline.

If all Paskibraka members are able to carry out their duties as well as possible, then this will also support the successful implementation of the Independence Ceremony on the occasion of the 79th Indonesian Independence Day.

There are absolutely no prohibitions in any form and from anyone, especially regarding clothing regulations for wearing the headscarf or hijab for members of the female Paskibraka who fly the heritage flag at IKN Nusantara. In this case, the Government continues to uphold the value of tolerance and continues to respect all the beliefs of the participants.

*) Socio-Cultural Observer

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