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Together Realizing a Peaceful and Constructive 2024 Regional Election


By: Ahmad Aziz

The 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections are an important momentum in Indonesia’s democratic journey. Amid increasingly complex political and social dynamics, it is important for all parties to play an active role in creating a peaceful, orderly, and constructive regional election process.

It is not only the election organizers and regional head candidates who must be held responsible, but also all elements of society, including voters, the media, security forces, and civil society organizations.

A healthy democracy is a democracy that provides space for every citizen to be actively involved and without fear. Pilkada is one form of people’s political participation, where every vote has an important meaning in determining the direction of development in the region. However, to ensure that this democratic party runs smoothly, all parties have a shared responsibility.

A peaceful atmosphere is the main prerequisite for creating a quality Pilkada process. Unfortunately, on several occasions, Pilkada in Indonesia has often been marred by political conflicts that have led to riots.

Competition that should be healthy is often colored by identity politics, provocation, and even physical violence. This is certainly contrary to democratic values ​​that prioritize dialogue and joint solutions.

Creating a peaceful Pilkada requires collective awareness from all parties. Candidates and campaign teams must commit to campaigning by prioritizing work programs and visions, without spreading hatred or playing sensitive issues that divide society. On the other hand, society must be smart in receiving information and not easily provoked by negative issues that are destructive.

All parties without exception have a responsibility to create a safe space for healthy political discussions. Differences in political choices are normal in a democracy.

The most important thing is how society together can maintain unity and peace despite differences of opinion. A strong democracy will not be realized without mutual respect among citizens.

The election belongs to all citizens, and active community participation is essential to ensure a peaceful election. The community needs to play an active role in maintaining security and peace in their respective environments.

In addition, voters must also try to choose candidates who are truly competent and have integrity, and reject all forms of money politics that could damage the democratic process.

It is important for the public to be smart in receiving and spreading information. In this digital era, fake news and disinformation spread very easily, especially on social media. The public must be wise in responding to various circulating information and only trust credible sources. An educated public will be more difficult to be influenced by provocations that can create unrest or division.

In addition, the role of community leaders and religious leaders is also very important in reducing political tensions that may arise. These figures can be a cooler and intermediary who help maintain a conducive atmosphere during the Pilkada period.

One of the important elements in creating a peaceful Pilkada is the role of security forces. The TNI, Polri, and the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) are committed to maintaining order and security during the Pilkada process. However, this task cannot be carried out by the authorities alone. Collaboration between the community and security forces is key to preventing potential conflict or unrest.

Minister of Religion (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas said that it is very important for religious leaders to continue to spread messages inviting the implementation of the 2024 Pilkada to be peaceful by always strengthening brotherhood and harmony, and encouraging the public to use their voting rights responsibly and continue to respect each other even though there are differences in political choices.

Meanwhile, the Chairperson of the Press Council, Ninik Rahayu, stated that she had held a series of discussion forums involving various media to realize a peaceful 2024 Simultaneous Regional Election.

On the other hand, Bawaslu Member Puadi said that in the concept of a harmonious election culture, cultural values ​​in Indonesia are used as positive instruments to realize peaceful and harmonious elections.

Because according to him, Indonesia is a diverse nation with various cultures, religions, and ethnicities that unite to achieve political stability for national goals, social progress, and prosperity.

In addition to maintaining a peaceful atmosphere, the 2024 Pilkada must also be an event to build constructive dialogue. This is a moment where candidates are challenged to present real solutions to various problems in their regions, not just attack each other. A constructive Pilkada is a Pilkada that focuses on substance—on work programs, visions and missions, and the track records of candidates.

Voters also have an important role in encouraging constructive dialogue. By being critical voters, people can demand that candidates provide in-depth explanations of their plans, not just sweet promises that are difficult to realize.

Ultimately, the 2024 Pilkada is not just an event to elect a leader, but also an opportunity to strengthen the values ​​of democracy and togetherness in Indonesia. With active participation, shared awareness, and a commitment to maintaining security and peace, this nation can realize a peaceful, constructive, and beneficial Pilkada for the progress of the country. Together, we can make the 2024 Pilkada an example of how mature democracy can work amidst diversity.

*) Political Observer, Semarang State University

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