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Young Generation Appreciates Content Creator Class and Improved Marketing Skills from AMANAH Program


Aceh – The Aneuk Muda Aceh Unggul Besar (Amanah) Program is holding a One Day Content Creator Class to maximize the potential of Acehnese youth, who are known to have talent to develop and have good creativity. One of the young content creators, Daffa Urrofi, said that Acehnese youth have talents that can be developed by highlighting local values ​​and culture. “There is a lot of potential, because it is supported by history, nature and also cultural activities that have the potential to be discussed as content. So, the potential is really big, it’s just a matter of how we maximize young people so they know how to explore Aceh,” he said.Content creator training focuses on sharing knowledge about creating, writing, taking pictures, and the editing process of content.  Not only through the field of content creation, the AMANAH Program has also successfully held handicraft training in Pidie Regency, Aceh, which aims to hone skills and innovation in production and marketing. This activity received a warm welcome from participants, especially the younger generation.Fitriani, one of the training participants, said that this program helps local craftsmen in Aceh to increase their competitiveness in the market. “Thank God, we have learned a lot from this training. We are now better prepared to compete with other superior products,” he said on Thursday (15/8).This training took place at Fitri Souvenir, Garot Village, Indrajaya District, which is known as a center for typical Acehnese handicrafts. Products such as bags, wallets, umbrellas, pillowcases, traditional clothes, as well as various gold thread embroidery are the main focus of development.Even though they have long been a handicraft producer, Fitriani admits that marketing of their products is still limited. It is hoped that AMANAH’s presence will open up wider market access. “With AMANAH, handicraft products from remote areas can be better known and marketed,” he added.This program is not only aimed at housewives, but also focuses on involving the younger generation in developing typical Pidie crafts. AMANAH’s assistance also emphasizes the importance of product innovation and marketing, by teaching how to make trending products such as bags, hats, bandanas and fans so that they are more easily accepted by the market.The involvement of local youth is not only needed to innovate in terms of handicraft production. Apart from that, they are also expected to be able to help their parents in marketing the products they make using digital technology.

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