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Young Generation Supports Indonesia’s Leadership in ASEAN 2023


The important role of the younger generation is to continue to support Indonesia’s leadership at the 2023 ASEAN Summit. This is because they are the key to filling in society 5.0 so that they can prepare themselves as well as possible to become quality human resources in facing the demographic bonus in the upcoming 2045.

ASEAN stands for The Association of Southeast Asian Nations or the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, which was formed on August 8, 1967 in Bangkok, Thailand. There are five ASEAN founding countries, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. Therefore, every August 8, we commemorate ASEAN Day or ASEAN Day.

Along with the positive impact felt from this association, until 2022, ASEAN members will increase by six other countries to a total of eleven member countries. The six countries in question are Brunei Darussalam, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia and Timor Leste. Indonesia itself has played the role of Chair of ASEAN three times (1976, 2003, 2011) and has produced proven achievements that can drive the progress of ASEAN countries.

Right this year, namely in 2023, Indonesia will again be officially lined up to re-hold the chairmanship position in ASEAN. In 2023, Indonesia itself carries a big theme, namely ‘ASEAN Matters: Epicentrum of Growth’, which means that this nation really wants ASEAN to remain important and also relevant to all people in the world.

It’s not without reason why the big theme was picked up and used by Indonesia. This is because this nation has a very strong commitment and determination to be able to continue to bring ASEAN into a region that has a very important role, both for regional countries and for the world. Whether it has a central role as the motor of peace or regional prosperity. In addition, Indonesia is also very eager to make ASEAN a center for regional and world economic growth.

Of course, with all these big goals, it will absolutely not be successful if it does not get support from many parties, especially the younger generation who have a very important role, especially in filling society 5.0 so that they continue to support Indonesia’s chairmanship in ASEAN 2023.

Regarding this, the Head of the Ministry of State Secretariat’s Public Relations Bureau, Eddy Cahyono explained that there is an urgency for superior human resources (HR) in dealing with the demographic bonus that will occur in 2045. To be able to fill this demographic bonus, the younger generation must have quality with many skills that are needed.

Eddy emphasized that the role of Indonesia’s younger generation is very important in realizing the 2045 Indonesian Demographic Bonus. This includes developing key human resources, demographic bonuses, digital literacy, work innovation, guarding digital space with optimism, fighting hoaxes ahead of elections, taking advantage of digital start-up progress, to international achievements.

Meanwhile, Deputy Minister of Trade Jerry Sambuaga encouraged students to play a role in developing the national digital economy through innovation and collaboration between countries, including in the ASEAN region. Moreover, currently, the growth of the national digital economy is considered very rapid.

For him, the younger generation in ASEAN is an important part of efforts to carry out digital transformation. Therefore, they actually have a role to be a driving force for accelerating digital transformation in the ASEAN region.

Menurut Wamendag, generasi muda ASEAN  harus  berani  mengambil  peran  dalam  memimpin perubahan  demi  kemajuan  ekonomi  ASEAN,  khususnya  dalam  percepatan  transformasi  digital. Adanya sebuah transformasi digital memang menjadi hal yang sangat wajib untuk dilakukan oleh negara-negara anggota ASEAN. Pasalnya, jika memang ingin terus mampu bersaing dan tidak ketinggalan dengan negara lain, maka negara di ASEAN juga harus mampu bersaing untuk mengadopsi kemajuan teknologi dalam dunia digital yang berkembang dengan pesat seperti sekarang ini.

With all these developments, the Vice Minister of Trade encourages the younger generation to make the best use of the opportunities available to participate in advancing the national digital economy sector. The Ministry of Trade will continue to encourage and support the creation of a solid digital economic ecosystem.

He really hopes that the younger generation in Indonesia can really take advantage of all the opportunities as well as possible intelligently and creatively. So, if this has been done, it will make a real contribution and also be able to make Indonesia the largest digital economy player in the Southeast Asia region.

Indonesia has indeed been elected to chair many times at the 2023 ASEAN Summit. In order to support all of these activities, of course it will not be successful if it does not get support from many parties, including what is very important is the support of the younger generation.

)* The author is a contributor to Persada Institute

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