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Youth Have a Vital Role in Realizing Peaceful Regional Elections


 By : Malik Zulfikar Ramli )*

Ahead of the important regional head elections (pilkada) which are scheduled for November 2024, efforts to maintain security and public order play a very important role. One of them is the involvement of youth in spreading various positive narratives about the Pilkada through social media.

Peaceful regional elections are not only the responsibility of the organizers, but also require active involvement from various elements of society, especially the younger generation. In this context, it is important for young people to understand how vital their role is in ensuring the smooth and peaceful implementation of regional elections.

Understanding the urgency of youth participation in regional head elections, Executive Assistant I of the NTB Regional Secretariat, Lalu Hamdi, emphasized that the 2024 regional elections are not just an ordinary political party, but also an opportunity for the people to elect leaders who will take the region towards the development they desire.

In a public discussion held by the NTB Provincial Government Journalists Forum with the theme ‘Youth Participation in Creating a Peaceful Democratic Party and Preventing the Politicization of SARA in the 2024 NTB Regional Elections’, Hamdi conveyed the importance of youth contributions in keeping the democratic process running smoothly.

The success of the regional elections is not only the responsibility of the KPU and Bawaslu, but is a joint task for all elements of society, including the mass media and youth. With the majority of voters being millennials and generation Z, their active role in ensuring a peaceful regional election is very crucial. Hamdi is optimistic that with active participation and contribution from youth, the 2024 regional elections can take place honestly, fairly and transparently.

NTB KPU Commissioner, Agus Hilman, added that the role of youth in preventing the politicization of SARA, especially through social media, has a significant impact. History has proven that youth have an important role in changing the democratic system, and now they can prevent the politicization of SARA through social media by playing their role as agents of positive change.

Meanwhile, the Chairperson of the NTB Bawaslu, Itratip, emphasized that the regional elections are an opportunity to choose the best leader who will lead the region. Therefore, active youth participation in the regional election process is highly expected, including in monitoring through social media and assisting in breaking the chain of money politics that undermines the integrity of democracy.

Marham, Chair of the NTB Provincial Government Journalists Forum, highlighted the important role of youth in creating peaceful regional elections in NTB. By directly involving dozens of students from various campuses in Mataram City in discussions, Marham underlined that youth have great potential to make a positive contribution in maintaining peace and preventing the politicization of SARA during the regional elections.

Based on data from the 2024 Election Permanent Voter List (DPT), there are around 3.9 million voters in NTB, with the majority being young people or millennials and generation Z. Marham hopes that the presence of youth in the discussion can help organize the regional elections by maintaining peace and preventing the politicization of SARA .

On the other hand, Governor Arinal Djunaidi from Lampung, also invited all Lampung youth to play an active role in maintaining unity and integrity during the regional head election process.

In the Lampung Youth Gathering event with the DPD Indonesian National Youth Committee (KNPI) Lampung Province, Governor Arinal emphasized that youth are valuable assets for the nation and region, and the future of Lampung is in their hands.

Governor Arinal highlighted the strategic role of youth as agents of change in regional development, because they have the potential for creativity and innovation to bring Lampung towards a better future.

As part of the preparations for the regional elections, the Governor invited all youth to be active in maintaining security and order, as well as strengthening communication between youth organizations to strengthen a sense of unity.

Iqbal Ardiansyah, Chairman of the DPD KNPI Lampung Province, added that the gathering was aimed at maintaining unity between all elements of the nation. Iqbal emphasized the importance of maintaining and respecting diversity to create peace, especially in Lampung Province.

As a form of appreciation for his dedication in supporting youth, Governor Arinal Djunaidi received a Certificate of Appreciation from the Chairman of the DPD KNPI Lampung Province. This is clear evidence that the role of youth in the democratic process and regional development is highly appreciated.

In carrying out their vital role in the democratic process, youth have demonstrated commitment and awareness of the importance of maintaining peace, unity and integrity in the implementation of regional elections. Through various activities, discussions and invitations carried out by various parties, youth have succeeded in positioning themselves as the main pillars in realizing peaceful and dignified regional elections.

However, the journey towards quality and democratic regional elections still requires active support and involvement from all elements of society. The role of youth is not only limited to the campaign period or election day, but also in ensuring that democratic values ​​are maintained and maintained after the election is over.

Therefore, let’s continue to join hands, youth, government, election management institutions, mass media, and all elements of society, to maintain a healthy democratic spirit and make regional elections a momentum to strengthen the foundations of Indonesian democracy.

Together, we can create a better future for this country, where peace, unity and justice are a solid foundation for collective progress.

)* The author is a contributor to the Institute’s Reading Room

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