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Citizen of Katingan Regency did demonstration to Their Regent, Ahmad Yatengli through Fornication scandal


Regent of Katingan regency, Ahmad Yatenglie

Regent of Katingan regency, Ahmad Yatenglie

By: Choirul Fuadi)*

CIDISS (Central Kalimantan) – Regent of Katingan, Central Kalimantan regency, Ahmad Yatenglie is caught by fornication scandal with hospital employ, Farida Yeni whom also police officer’s wife. The story begin on thrusday, 5 january 2017, on 2.00 am WIB in a house addressed on Nangka Street, Kasongan Lama village, Katingan Hilir district, they are caught when slept together in room by Farida Yeni’s husband. And then, Farida Yeni’s husband reported this to police.

As the impact of the fornication scandal, Regent got many strictures from citizen, especially Katingan regency’s citizen. Wednesday, (18/1/2017), around 500 people under name of “Aliansi Masyarakat Katingan Bersatu” (United of People Katingan Aliance) did protest in Regent Office. They sue for their Regent retreat from his official.

The protest is guard by a hundreds from security, both police of Katingan and Katingan Hilir, National Army and Satpol PP.

In their speech, they sue in order regent of Katingan, Ahmad Yatengli retreat from his official as regent. They assumed, Regent of Katingan has insulting Katingan people by fornication scandal.

Moreover, some of them had intention to get in the room of regent office for sealing, but regent is not in his room, he goes to Katingan Hulu for head village inauguration. And then, they canceled it after coordinator asking them to do not do that act.

Assistant II Katingan, Alpianoor, represent of Katingan Government meet them and he is force to answer the question, “Does the regent Katingan, Ahmad Yatengli is still a Regent official or not?”

But, Alpianoor answer it, clear and short. “Everything, trust to law enforcement regarding the case,”.

After deliver their speech in Katingan regenct office, they move to House representative of katingan which is only 500 meters from Katingan regenct office.

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