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2019 Election Has Ended, Let’s Unite to Reach the Nation’s Progress


By: Akmal Naufal (Blogger, University of Tazkia Bogor Student)

The 2019 General Election held on April 17, 2019 has ended and can be implemented successfully and peacefully in accordance with the hopes and ideals of Indonesia’s democracy. This is certainly a relief given that before the 2019 General Election was held the virtual world was filled with hoaxes or Golput provocations.

Elections that have taken place in a peaceful, democratic and conducive manner, show that the Indonesian people are mature and mature in democracy, and mature in responding to the 5-year party to choose and determine Indonesia’s future. The victory of this chosen couple should be appreciated by us as the victory of the Indonesian people, the victory of all the people of Indonesia. We must support the results of the 2019 Election with elegance and unity.

Considering that the election was over and the results have also been obtained, all parties, both unelected presidential candidates and their respective candidates, as well as supporters, academics, artists, politicians, and all people must join hands, unite for Indonesia better and do not break apart just because of the succession of the president and vice president. Because actually the victory of one of the candidates for the 2019 Election participants is the joy of all of us as a nation that respects the principles of democracy.

Competition in the election of the President and vice-president should have been completed sufficiently only in the campaign atmosphere, namely the competition field only and not to be taken out of the playing field.

We must learn from sports athletes who compete in various competitions in the world, how they compete in the competition to defend their country, but after the match is over, they are reunited. Professionalism and maturity in competition are needed, as described in a sports tournament. Sportsmanship and professionalism and friendship are maintained in a competition.

It is very good for us to imitate, how the differences and competition as the presidential and vice presidential candidates and each of the camps are mutually contradictory and struggle with each other to win the candidates they stretch, but once the election is over and has got results, all must be willing and brave hands and forget the differences during the competition. Hand in hand in order to build a better Indonesia even better, for the advancement of the nation and the peace of our beloved homeland.

All components of the Nation continue to encourage two-pole reconciliation to compete for the country’s leadership chair, starting from interfaith leaders, youth leaders, students, and all components of society to encourage the creation of harmony between the elected President and Vice President to carry out their mandates. We still need to be vigilant and not provoked by individuals who intentionally want Indonesia to break up.

With the peace of the 2019 Election we need to give a tremendous appreciation to the candidates and this needs to be followed by all successful teams and all communities. We cannot imagine if national unity and unity that has been well maintained has been damaged only because of a once-five-year party. For that, let us support the results of the 2019 Election with the spirit of unity and let’s continue the Indonesian Development together towards the progress of the nation. Let us unite against the person who continues and continues to disturb national harmony. We stand Pancasila and practice for the future of Indonesia that is peaceful and prosperous and fair.

In the democratic election stage there are always those who lose and win. All parties must accept defeat and do not make the Indonesian people victims. For that reason, from now on let us forget about the differences and the time to join hands for the success of the development in Indonesia that we love. For all the people of Indonesia, the presidential election has ended, it’s time for us to come back together and continue the development of the country for the progress of the nation.

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