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Stock of BBM, LPG and Safe Food Before Ramadhan


By: Ardi Hidayat *

Ahead of Ramadhan, there is certainly a little anxiety about the stock of fuel and basic necessities. However, the Government through the ESDM Ministry ensures that the public does not need to be anxious about the availability of LPG Fuel and Gas ahead of Ramadan. This is because the government will add stock as well as personnel and distribution facilities.

Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Djoko Siswanto, said that to date, the fuel stock is still within safe and controlled limits. Ron 88 Premium has a resistance of 27 days, while pertalite is 21 days, pertamax is 20 days and pertamax turbo is 38 days. “Solar is 20 days, pertamina dex 47 days and avtur 28 days. Meanwhile LPG Gas stock is still safe, which is 363 thousand metric tons. The total is able to meet the needs for 18 days. It also said that a number of facilities and infrastructure had been prepared and added according to predictions of increasing vehicle flows. Among them are fuel trucks, car dispensers, gasoline-carrying motorbikes and mini gas stations.

In detail, Djoko explained that there would be 115 trucks on standby with a mobile dispenser reaching 26 units at a number of gas stations. In addition, 22 motorbikes carrying packaged gasoline were also prepared. All of the facilities and infrastructure are provided at the National Command Post in the EMR sector which will coordinate with stakeholders in the energy sector. According to him, this post will also monitor the field, both before and after Eid. Where the montoring point is supply-prone areas, monitoring national health and disaster-prone areas.

On a different occasion, Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi banned truck users from going through the toll road during the homecoming season. This is aimed at controlling the density of toll road traffic and widening the flow of homecoming. However, his party ensured that trucks carrying food logistics goods were still allowed through the toll road. This allowance is intended to ensure smooth distribution in order to control prices.

“So there is no reason why the price of basic food is expensive before Lebaran,” said Budi.
On a different occasion, Jokowi appealed to the ministers in his ranks to maintain the stability of food prices and basic needs ahead of the holy month of Ramadan.

“Welcoming the coming of the holy month of Ramadhan for about two weeks more or less has entered the holy month. This is routine, I remind you about the price stability and the availability of basic materials so that it is truly considered, so that it is stable, “said Jokowi at the opening of the plenary cabinet session.

Jokowi also said, if there is no increase in basic food prices, then Muslims can carry out worship in the holy month of Ramadan calmly. In addition, he also instructed his subordinates such as TNI, Polri and BIN to maintain security and public order stability after the April 17 2019 vote. In Meranti Islands Regency, Riau. It is estimated that basic needs are still sufficient and prices are relatively normal or still in the safe category before the fasting month.

Head of the Trade, Industry, Cooperatives and SME Office (Disdagprinkop UKM) of Kepulauan Meranti Regency Azza Fachroni said, the stock of basic necessities ahead of the fasting month until Eid is predicted to be sufficient.

“It is also based on our monitoring in the field, we have monitored almost all of the markets in the long run, even yesterday we have arrived in Belitung. God willing, it is safe and stable until Eid, “he said.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) guarantees the availability of basic necessities in various public markets and supermarkets, it also said that before the Ramadan fast food can be obtained at an affordable price. According to him, the price of basic commodities such as beef is still stable at Rp 120,000 per kg, medium rice is Rp 10,000 per kg.

The Minister of Trade (Minister of Trade) Enggartiasto Lukita ensures that all basic needs in the market are safe and the stock is sufficient, so that people do not need to worry. According to him, control of basic food prices should be grateful, his party said that the prices of rice, eggs, oil, and others could still be said to be normal, some of them even tended to decline due to sufficient stock.

“Again, don’t worry, everything is under control and there is no reason for people to worry,” he said.

  • The author is an observer of economic issues

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