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Looking at Transportation Readiness and Availability of Food Before Eid


By: Ginanjar) *

Eid is certainly a moment for anyone to celebrate without exception, mass movements from city to hometown, of course requires a variety of preparations, especially strategies to prevent prolonged congestion.

Anticipation steps have been taken, such as the Indonesian Railways (KAI), which has carried out inspections to various areas on Java Island using special trains, which were carried out on April 23-25.

KAI’s Managing Director, Edi Sukmono said, inspection activities to see the mode of readiness of railroad transportation ahead of the homecoming flow of Eid.

The inspection is done, regarding the readiness of the line, the station. Services, until the KAI HR must be absolutely certain to be ready to serve passengers during the Lebaran transportation period. In fact, he also has identified the critical points that must be extra guarded, given the increasing flow of train travel at the moment of Eid 2019.

“The critical point in question can be in areas prone to flooding, landslides, to throwing and vandalism,” he said

KAI has also anticipated unexpected events by providing tools and materials placed at certain points so that if an emergency occurs, repairs can be carried out immediately.

It appealed to all KAI employees, to provide the best service to the community. Especially during the moments of Eid 2019.

With all the thorough preparation, of course we all hope that the mode of Railroad transportation during the period of homecoming and the backflow of Eid can run safely, smoothly and in a controlled manner.

The Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi has appealed not to use motorbikes during Eid al-Fitr in 2019. To anticipate the Ministry of Transportation has provided free homecoming for Lebaran mudik in 2019.

The availability of free homecoming is intended to encourage people to switch from private transportation to public transportation and reduce the number of accidents.

“In particular, I convey that the use of motorbikes for going home is not done,” said Menhub Budi Karya, when Car Free Day at the HI Roundabout.

Budi also appealed to the private sector to take part in providing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in facilitating free homecoming.

Previously, the Ministry of Transportation has also provided free motorbike transport services by using trains ahead of Lebaran 2019 homecoming. Quota provided was 18,096 units for Java.

Availability of basic necessities ahead of Eid

In addition, the availability of basic necessities is certainly a problem that cannot be underestimated, the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) guarantees the availability of basic necessities in various people’s markets and supermarkets ahead of Ramadan at affordable prices.

The price of basic necessities such as beef is still stable, namely Rp 120,000 per kg, medium rice Rp 10,000 per kg, while for onions there is an increase which was previously sold Rp 50,000 / kg, to Rp 60,000 / kg, while red onion is usually sold at Rp 45,000 / kg now to IDR 50,000 / Kg.

Therefore, his party will also hold a Coordination Meeting with various parties to anticipate an increase in the prices of these basic needs.

The President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, said that price stability and availability of basic materials during fasting must be done so that people can easily reach them. “So that it is stable and the community can comfortably run fasting fast,” he said.

In Central Java, the Head of the Department of Industry and Trade of Central Java Arief Sambodo explained that there were several factors that carried out supervision, including the regional inflation control team (TPID), the highest retail price (HET). Reference Price and Task Force Team oversees the stockpiling of basic necessities.

Meanwhile, Head of the Central Java Food Security Agency, Agus Wariyanto, said that in stock the needs were still sufficient, such as rice production which was still surplus. Not only is rice still surplus, livestock production is also still as safe as goats.

The availability of basic commodities is something that must be a priority, because it involves the needs of many people, so that the government, both central and regional, needs to make efforts in maintaining the availability of basic commodities ahead of Eid al-Fitr.

Surely the community does not need to be worried about the supply of basic necessities ahead of Eid, because the orders of both the local government and the ministry have anticipated this before entering the month of Ramadan.

) * The author is a socio-economic observer

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