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The Role of the Media and Youth in Maintaining Post-Election Unity


By: Janindri Prameswari) *

In this digital era, the media is increasingly facilitated in disseminating a variety of information, slowly but surely the news in conventional media is slowly being abandoned and people are starting to access all information from their devices.

In the realm of online media, quantity can be more important than quality, in contrast to mainstream media such as print media, which have to wait 24 hours for publication, while online media, almost every second, fills various lines of social media period, whether the information is true or false. the information was conveyed.

No less dangerous is media that contains provocative content and is far from cool, such as an invitation not to adhere to democracy, or an invitation to carry out unconstitutional activities.

In this case, the media and young people have a connection, where the media spread various menus of information and young people are the most internet users who consume information that is increasingly being offered by the media.

If the information provided by the media is information that is quiet, far from the impression of provocation, it will affect the attitude of the recipient of the information after consuming the news he reads.

But if the information presented by the media is hoax and provocative information, of course this will endanger many parties, because the tone of provocation will actually have an impact on inter-community conflict so that inter-party polarization is inevitable.

News of Ratna Sarumpaet, for example, when the media delivered the news that she was being persecuted, empathy also arose to her, but Ratna who was a sympathizer of Prabowo – Sandiaga at the time also made other sympathizers feel angry with the Jokowi – Maufuf stronghold. Polarization here is increasingly clear.

But surprisingly, people throughout Indonesia finally learned that the face of Ratna Sarumpaet had previously undergone plastic surgery, even though the news proved to be a hoax, polarization continued to appear even until the Court read out the verdict of the results of the dispute over the election results.

If this is the case, what is the role of the media as information presenters and young people who constitute the majority of information received from the media.
Post-Election Media Role

The 2019 elections that have been carried out do present various dramas that can be reported, ranging from claim claims, container trucks, dead KPPS officers, to threats to report election disputes to the international court.

Nowadays the media can be likened to a kitchen of various facts and opinions, the media has the power to upload any news, even mass organizations can also create media either through platforms or through social media which is loved by young people.

The media also get an additional task to maintain political stability, because like food, if the information provided is nutrient-laden information, of course the recipient of media products in the form of news and information, will be able to address the news wisely.

Moreover, Indonesia has a diversity of ethnic groups and religions to political views, the media are also required to be able to become a non-offensive forum related to SARA.

In addition to providing information, the media, both mass and electronic media, should be an educational institution for the wider community.

The Role of Post-Election Youth

Young people also should not be ignorant of political developments, because it is young people who will later become policy makers a few years later to replace their seniors.
Young people have a role in ending the Presidential Election drama, at least in their closest environment, invite back friends who were different choices, treat coffee if necessary, or invite Nobar when there is a soccer match. The involvement of many people in the same hobby will certainly distract the difference in choice.

One of the concrete steps that can be taken is to stop asking “who chose yesterday?” To be as usual, who certainly remains critical on the basis of caring about Indonesia, not critical because it is provoked by news of doubtful truth.

Certainly young people need to be aware, that the Jokowi camp is preparing to form a cabinet that will help him in the second period. Whereas the Prabowo camp is trying to be a resident of the Constitutional Court’s decision that was unable to shift the incumbent’s position from the presidency. Agree or disagree that is democracy.

) * The author is an activist at the Library Institute

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