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Pancasila is Final and Not Negotiable


The number of opinions revolving about the Implementation of Pancasila are sometimes considered not in accordance with Islamic Views. It seems to be considered for some people a big problem and very principle. However, positively and outline the application of Pancasila is considered balanced or in the middle. Given that Indonesia is a multicultural country.

Today the founder of the nation seems to have agreed to adopt Pancasila as the ideology and basis of the Indonesian state. He said he was enthusiastic if all mass organizations (mass organizations) must include Pancasila. The implication is the principle of organization in its articles of association.

While the mass organizations that do not use Pancasila as the basis of the organization are considered unlawful. So there needs to be legal sanctions from the authorities.

These sanctions can be either dissolved or declared if the organization is banned. There is also a form of revocation of operating licenses that do not even issue licenses to existing organizations.

Until now there are still many organizations that break the law. Relation to the principles of the organization. One of the most prominent examples is the Islamic Defenders Front. Which does not include in the organization Pancasila as the principle of organization.

Mentioned in Article 6 in its articles of association explains the vision and mission of FPI. Which if FPI manifests the application of Islamic law in Kaffah under the auspices of Islamiyyah. According to Manhaj nubuwwah, which is through the implementation of da’wah and the enforcement of hisbah and the practice of jihad.

The vision and mission are considered not in accordance with positive law in Indonesia. The implementation of Islamic law seems to have been guaranteed by the Republic of Indonesia without having to form a khilafah state. Even Islamic countries in the modern era, including the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the region in the Middle East, also run Islamic law in accordance with the principles of statehood.

Not only that, the application of the ideology and the foundation of the Pancasila state was completed based on the agreement taken by the country’s founders. Namely, it has been made by Muslim leaders from Islamic organizations in the mainstream. Like Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah.

Pancasila is part of religious teachings which uphold the values ​​of peace. As well as equality of rights and practice of religion in the context of the state. Thus, practicing the values ​​of Pancasila is the same as practicing the values ​​taught in religion.

Pancasila values ​​in accordance with Islamic teachings can be categorized into Islamic teachings. For example, the first precepts of Pancasila read “The Almighty God.” This can be implicated in the word of Allah SWT. Which can be translated in Indonesian by “say Muhammad that Allah is one”.

This certainly indicates that there is a match between the teachings of Islam with the values ​​of the first precepts of Pancasila. Next is the second precept that reads “just and civilized humanity.” In line with the word of Allah SWT in the Qur’an precisely in the Ar-Rahman verse verse 8. Which if translated into Indonesian is like, “uphold the scales and never. you are cheating on the scale. “

Likewise with the third precepts and so on, in which there is a connection with the Qur’an. Namely, the letter An-Nahl verse 125 and the hadith of the authentic prophet Muhammad SAW.

With the existence of a connection that can be proven to be expected in the future Pancasila can go hand in hand with Islam. The context is comprehensive and broader, of course. Because Indonesia is a multicultural and diverse country.

Pancasila seems to need to be interpreted as a form of practice to unite all the people of Indonesia. Nothing wrong with having an opinion in the context of Islamic law, it is better adjusted to the conditions of the Indonesian state. Which is famous for its cultural diversity and has different belief patterns.

Islam in general also teaches to implement tolerance between religions. Fanaticism with personal connections is still considered normal. But for the community seems to be a little clash with applicable norms. Because sustainable fanaticism will have a negative impact on the tolerance of all components of society.

It is hoped that the application of Pancasila will be able to create harmony among religious communities. And as the foundation of a strong and compact state in dealing with all problems. It’s okay to have different beliefs, but it’s good to stay in the Indonesian context. And in the end peace from all walks of life is the main manifestation of a country. Where we can still calmly carry out our lives and routines.

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