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The Call of the Promise of the Nation to Create a Conducive Situation in Papua


The issue of racism that revolves around Papuan society has recently been identified as a trigger for riots. Arson and radical actions did not reflect an Indonesian. The culture of Gemah ripah lohjinawi, and harmony between religious communities seems to only be the wind and fill empty space without meaning.

Some news emerged about the alleged riots in the Manokwari region arising from violence. And triggered by the expulsion of a number of Papuan students in the City of Malang and Surabaya.

After going through tension, finally the Papua and West Papua Regions were declared conducive. The masses have expressed their aspirations and have returned to their respective homes. The situation was monitored safely into the night. As for the riots in Manokwari, the TNI-Polri stated that the riots that occurred were still under their control.

The good news, the results of communication between several parties have reached an agreement. The parties included, the Regional Police Chief, Military Commander, Deputy Governor, community leaders and youth leaders, as well as student elements. The aspirations conveyed have been completed and accommodated to be conveyed to the central government.

Some messages of peace and positive appeal then came. It aims to strengthen unity as a unity of the people of Indonesia.

Gomar Gultom as Secretary of the Indonesian Church Alliance (PGI), requested that the community to exercise restraint. And not easily provoked by the issues that are circulating. Not only that, several parties also expressed their appeal regarding the concerns about the ongoing riots. MUI, Social Minister, state apparatus, mayor of Surabaya, also other cities also called for peace for the country.

The riots in Manokwari should have been learned. That, all problems can be resolved peacefully without this regrettable event. Because the government will of course also provide the right place for aspirations for Indonesia, which is famous for its multicultural country.

Cultivating good speech and mutual respect are indeed considered basic education. Given, humans are very easy to form characters and habits. The environment around the residence that supports also influences the character development of each person.

Some are able to control emotions with calmness. However, there are also some who are overflowing with their psychological condition because of trivial matters. Indeed, humans certainly have a different character because it consists of a heart and also diverse thoughts.

Even so, we cannot immediately ignore the interests and thoughts of others. The importance of implementing tolerance in everyday life is also one form of support that is able to maintain unity. Radical actions and racism may be considered effective for some groups to achieve their desires.

However, anything is still not justified. How could an Indonesian who is famous for his high tolerance side do harm to others. For example, there have been various riots recorded in Indonesia with various racist and radical actions leaving deep scars. Issues are raised with the implications of personal and group desires to be fulfilled immediately.

Judging from the struggles of heroes in the past who with all their might seize independence. We can take lessons, how they try to create peace and strong cooperation to achieve independence. So why do we now have to pollute the values ​​of unity only for personal and group interests?

The influence of technological sophistication and digitalization seems also to be addressed wisely. Do not necessarily send content that can cause contra and divisions. Especially if the sending of content is accompanied by the addition of comments that are judged to actually make things murky. Finally, the aftermath of such riots is only a wound in the heart.

Although this seems trivial, there is indeed plenty of evidence of unwise use of technology. Whereas the main purpose of using technology is to support the progress of society in living their lives to be better.

We can conclude from this, hopefully in the future all elements of society can be wise and prudent. If there is a problem, it should be stated openly and well. Hopefully, all the people of Indonesia will be able to become good individuals for the continuation of a safe and comfortable life going forward.

For the residents of Manokwari, Timika, Fakfak, and Sorong, hopefully there will be no more riots or other dishonorable actions. And peace and cooperation can be fostered again.

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