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Break various accusations, This is the Fact of Professionalism of the KPK Committee


By: Dinindya Rahmawati )*

Choosing a leader seems to be selective and wise. Given the task of a leader is to be able to perform according to the rules of a country. Honest, fair and wise leaders are expected to be able to realize a better country.

Indonesia is facing a difficult decision. Related to this is the election of our beloved KPK Capim. The Coordination Committee for the Corruption Eradication Commission is considered to be good and professional. Of course this has become a breath of fresh air for the citizens of the country. The opportunity to have qualified and competent leaders will join the fiber to improve the welfare of its citizens.

It is suspected that as many as 10 names of KPK leadership candidates will be submitted to President Jokowi. Which will be chosen by nature as a commissioner at the institution. However, the committee did not clearly state the names of the candidates.

Observer of the Constitutional Law, Margarito, Thursday also mentioned the same thing. Including a number of senior police officers who participated passed the selection. He said he was sure and did not doubt the committee and police officers who had escaped. He also considered that if the committee was credible, the prospective commissioner would also be credible.

Previously, KPK Capim Pansel Member Hendardi stated, if there were 20 names filtered through an assessment profile test. From the remaining 40 participants. There are indications of skewed accusations related to the KPK committee seems to be refuted by several parties. Many parties agreed that the Pansel had performed well and according to procedures. So the indictment about this committee is deemed irrelevant and misdirected.

Previously there was news of a conflict of interest in the KPK Capim committee. However, House of Representatives Commission III member Masinton Pasaribu considered that the committee only conducted the selection at an early stage. So that the next authority is on his side. He also emphasized that the task of the committee was limited to selection and selection of names that had registered themselves.

Later the name of the Capim will be given due diligence and propriety in the House of Representatives Commission III. Of the 10 candidates only 5 people will be chosen to lead the KPK.

 This certainly shows that the performance of the Pansel Capim is difficult to match. So that various accusations should be able to be avoided. Especially in the selection, Pansel does not work alone. It also involved a number of parties, such as PPATK (Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center to BIN (State Intelligence Agency).

So that we can see transparency. The slanted accusations are hopefully to be a criticism of the Pansel for better work. The same thing was expressed by vice-president Jusuf Kalla, if not all criticisms posted must be accepted.

Because JK considered the whole process to be open, performance was also open. So this is sufficient as an appropriate benchmark. JK added that if later there were Capim problems with the selection process can immediately be reported to the Pansel Team and the Parliament. In addition, the process of selecting the Capim must also go through the approval process from the DPR.

While the alleged Capim who has had a corruption case, JK stated that if we react to it we must apply the presumption of innocence. As citizens, we should also believe that the leadership of the KPK who will be elected is a credible figure. And able to erase all corruption cases in Indonesia.

 Transparency The selection process carried out should be a guarantee that the election of the KPK Capim is far from accusations or intervention from any party. Because as we know, the KPK is a mandated institution of reform. Since the founding of the KPK, the KPK has handled various corruption cases. Starting from the leadership of state, private institutions, law enforcement and corporations.

Do not be like the saying goes “tilapia spoiled broken sebelanga milk”. Because it is possible that within an institution only one or two people make mistakes. But everything has a bad image as a result of these problems. We should also give full trust to the Pansel for the performance given.

After all, all the procedures and transparency of the task has been given openly. So that there should be no accusations or skewed indications to the KPK Committee. Hopefully in the future the Pansel will be able to produce suitable leaders and bring change to the country.

)* The author is a social political observer

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