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Does Any Foreign Vested Interest Meddle in Several Riots Around The World?


By : TW Deora and Wilnas )*

Regional uncertainty has set in several countries such as Hong Kong,  Haiti,  Peru, and Indonesia through consistantly mass brawl and uncontrolled mass rallies against their government itself.  Based on strategic geopolitical assessment,  there are possibilities if non state actors and state actors may join to make unstable situation.

In Indonesia, brute social riots had happened in Papua,  West Papua and Jakarta.  Mass rallies accompaning with outrage mass reveange in Papua had been triggered by inhuman offended clamoring when mass rallies which had made Papua’s student activist was did in Surabaya,  East Java and followed with “same scenario” in Wamena.

In Jakarta, many students who came from several universities and several NGO’s activist also unemployment people mostly who came from borders of Jakarta have been conducting brute mass rallies to reject revise of KPK law,  criminal law and labor law.  Famous NGO’s prominent figures likely “UH” had monitored to meddle and join among protesters. Previously,  counter intelligence has detected several political meetings have made to set and to aim massive and simultaneous mass rallies which has built chaotic situation to bother and to cancel Jokowi’s oath on October 20th.

Law enforcement,  security and counter intelligence must have alerted regarding any possible “behind the scene” which has been done by foreign and nationals vested interest groups.  Because theoritically and politically,  at any social riots besides it’s triggered by social disappointness to government,  but also trigger and push with “hidden purpose” to make uncertainty and unstable conditions in Indonesia.  Those role could be proffesionally done by whose has been recruited by foreigm counter intelligence units.

In Indonesia, and also several countries which have been facing brute mass rallies have operated some international NGO’s and mass media. For foreign counter intelligence,  NGO’s and mass media which had recruited by them,  they have special task must be done.  In predominantly and basically, NGO’s can be done legal and an illegal activities on target territories.  NGO’s legal activities which to provide humanitarian action after natural dissasster is a positive one. 

But law enforcement and counter intelligence must have known “who,  how and when” regarded an illegal neither national NGO nor foreign NGO illegal activities especially if they are inviting prominent figures both formal and informal,  youth organization,  journalist and media owner,  teacher,  legislative members,  security and law enforcement apparatus including an intelligence officers.  The target of long term subversive activities from an illegal NGO’s activities are the change of cultural and education system,  intervere law mechanism and to occupy natural resources assets and others state assets including space and hitech.

Nowadays and learning from Papua’s case, the government of Indonesia has understood and monitored any possibilities foreign meddling through their “proxy war agent” in here to destabilize Papua’s situation and their end purpose is to aim Papua’s freedom. Using criminal gangs such as OPM or KKSB and also West Papua Army and supported by ULMWP,  NFRPB and Papua Student Movement/AMP as “proxy war foreign agent”. They are collaborating with an international provocateur and fugitive figure likes Benny Wenda and several hypocrat and opportunistic politician who have came from Australia,  British,  Vanuatu, and Solomon Island also 7 foreign NGO’s has always been trying to separate Papua from Indonesia. Because of that,  Indonesia should have taken firmly but proportionally at all cost and at all means to protect Papua still belongs to Indonesia.

)* The writer is Papua’s observer.

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