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Foreign Interests Do Not Disturb Indonesian Sovereignty Over Papua


Although the intensity of conflict and riots in Papua has begun to decline, from the psychological side, especially the victims must get serious attention from the Government.

This was conveyed by the Security Analyst and Security Consultant, Alto Labetubun in a special dialogue ‘Foreign Interference Behind Rusuh and Separatists in Papua, in the Gajahmada area, Central Jakarta, Thursday (10/24/2019).

According to the poor man in a number of conflicts between Indonesia and the Middle East, foreign or other countries’ intervention is a natural thing in the global world from two sides, first about interest and second involvement. Of course foreigners have interests in Papua.

“They have investments in Papua, including Freeport, BP, Newmont, PetroChina, not to mention oil palm companies and others, so investors want stability. So there are certainly foreign interests,” Alto said.

Then he continued the matter of special involvement in the case of the latter happening, all the possibilities exist. Although not directly like people buy weapons heralded. Must be proven by the police and intelligence.

“But then there are countries that provide please heaven, a place where groups who want to voice Papuan independence are given room to speak in the context of freedom of speech.

If pulled back, it is true that the grevance of the Papuan people has not been fully heard since the 1960s which was facilitated by the United Nations. And this grevance has not yet been resolved.

Thus there is potential, unresolved injuries used by other parties for other purposes.

Inggar Saputra, INSURE Political researcher added that the unfinished thing that happened in Papua was the narratives that were built into interests so that the actors behind them had not been revealed.

“Many factors can actually be from foreign interests, socio-economic inequality. And there are also people who exploit it to be an issue and turmoil so that conflict eventually occurs,” Inggar said.

According to the Master in National Defense UI added foreign involvement in Papua
in investments who benefits more. Not to mention the interests of each country in Papua such as America.

“The interests should be in line with the people of Papua and Indonesia as well. Don’t let the interests of other countries be more dominant while the interests of the state itself are ignored,” he stressed

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