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Enthusiasm of Jayapura Residents Using the Youtefa Bridge


By: Rebecca Marian) *

President Jokowi inaugurated the Youtefa Bridge on Monday (10/28/2019). The bridge named Holtekamp early was predicted will be able to become a new resolution in the progress of development in the Land of Papua. Including the wheels of the economy that will continue to increase. The Holtekamp Bridge or now popular with the Youtefa Bridge is ready to be used after it was inaugurated by Jokowi. The inauguration momentum coincided with the Youth Pledge Day, October 28, 2019. According to a number of reports, access to this infrastructure was built since 2015. The bridge that stretches along 732 meters can connect the Muara Tami District area with Jayapura City.

President Jokowi, in the inauguration ceremony was also accompanied by several high-ranking officials who were in the composition of his new cabinet. Among other things, the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono, TNI Commander Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, Interior Minister Tito Karnavian, Plt. National Police Chief, Komjenpol Ari Dono, Head of BIN Budi Gunawan, also attended the Governor of Papua Province Lukas Enembe, along with Director of Operations Hutama Karya Mohammad Indrayana. During this inauguration ceremony, President Jokowi looked so happy. The smile on his face cannot be hidden. He felt proud of the realization of infrastructure in the future that could help the people of Bumi Cendrawasih.

The mega project, which was considered capable of summarizing distance and time, was greeted with enthusiasm from the Papuan people. Not only serves as a connecting road, its sturdiness and beauty are said to bring up new destinations in the world of tourism. Interestingly, this infrastructure is the first bridge with intact plengkung construction dropped from other regions.
With a striking red color, the construction of this bridge was able to reach the record of the Indonesian Record Museum (MURI). Namely, in the category of shipping steel frame bridges intact with the longest distance. And the record for installing the longest steel frame bridge.

Hutama Karya is proud to be involved in the process of building this iconic bridge. With the construction of the Youtefa bridge, it is expected to be able to provide many benefits. The most prominent thing is that the travel time will be faster if departing from Jayapura City to the Skouw Cross-border Post (PLBN). Only about 30 to 45 minutes, which previously could take between 1.5 to 2 hours. As we know, the Skouw region is an embryo at the center of economic development in the border region.

Further more good news following the inauguration of this bridge is, will be used as a means of supporting the National Sports Week (PON) in 2020, which will be held in the land of Papua. The link is, will summarize the distance to the Venue of several branches of Sports in the Koya region, Muara Tami.
Infrastructure development in the form of a bridge is rumored to suck up funds of approximately 1.8 trillion rupiah with funding from the state budget. The uniqueness of this mega project is in two red steel arches that seem strong and majestic. In addition, the bridge’s center span assembly is reportedly not carried out at the construction site. However, it was in the city of Surabaya by PT PAL Indonesia.

After being assembled, the Central Landscape is then sent to Papua using sea transportation.
In this regard, President Jokowi said that this new access must be maintained together, because it will be a milestone in Bumi Cendrawasih. Jayapura residents have also started using this access after it was inaugurated by President Jokowi. However, the new icon of Jayapura City has not yet been very crowded by vehicles. It was said, the company PT Hutama Karya (Persero) was behind the development of a proud infrastructure mega project at the end of the country namely, Youtefa Bridge, Papua.
However, it does not work alone, this state-owned company is working with PT Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero), Tbk. and PT Nindya Karya (Persero) together with PTPP as the project leader.

Road access as part of improving welfare has been realized. Papuans can be calmer now, because they don’t need much time to go to other cities. Besides feeling helped, Papuans who used to often complain about the distribution of basic necessities, now no longer feel worried. With this bridge, it is expected to be able to grow the economy in other sectors. So that the welfare of the people of Papua will further develop. Wriggling life will be more passionate and create new jobs for residents around the bridge Youtefa.

) * The writer is a Papuan student living in Jakarta

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