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It’s Time to Unite Against Radicalism


By: Muhammad Ridwan) *

The spread of radicalism is now increasingly troubling. The reason is not only the community, security forces, to civil servants are exposed to this deviant understanding. Therefore, joint efforts are needed to fight radicalism.

Problems due to exposure to radicalism are increasingly widespread. The impact is not only experienced by the community, but also a number of parties who have positions in government, including the military, police and civil servants. The teaching in the name of a religion is considered quite threatening. His movement also increased. So the government must immediately take a stand.

Regarding the polemic, the General Chairperson of the National Unity Solutions Foundation, namely Baskara Sukarya explained that there were about 3 percent more TNI soldiers who had been exposed to radical ideology. However, a number of reports were received, there were many other elements of society, ranging from civil servants, state-owned employees, students, even students. In addition to TNI soldiers and private employees there are more than 19 percent of employees in state-owned institutions and civil servants who are against the ideology of Pancasila. Even more surprising there are up to 23% of students also exposed to this distorted teaching.

This is certainly very regrettable, considering that students are the nation’s next generation, instead declaring themselves to be anti-Pancasila. In fact, supporting Indonesia to be a khilafah country. To prevent the widening of the rejection of the ideology of Pancasila among students, one of the steps considered effective is to awaken a sense of nationalism, Pancasila, a sense of love for the defense of the country and respect for culture to local wisdom.

Surely this is a fact that we must look at while looking for a solution. The next generation who will hold the state continuity relay must certainly be equipped with various education. Specifically, how to revive education related to the appreciation and practice of Pancasila.

In line with this, Komjen Suhardi Alius as Head of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT), coordinated with the PANRB Ministry to tighten the recruitment process for Civil Servants. Namely, by applying the evaluation as well as the stages in the recruitment process related employees. Bearing in mind, there are now increasingly reports that many of these civil servants are carrying out acts of terrorism, as a result of being exposed to radicalism.

Previously, it was reported that a civil servant was arrested in the city of Probolinggo. The Anti-terror Detachment 88 Team and Probolinggo Regional Police secured four suspected terrorist suspects. This was also justified by the Probolinggo Police Chief, AKBP Fadly Samad, but with regard to the details he could not explain. They can only contribute to the arrest.

According to information, one of the four suspected terrorists is a person who works as a civil servant (PNS) in the field of farmer extension. Who is currently serving at the Department of Agriculture and Food Security Regency of Probolinggo.

Responding to this, the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) has signed an MoU with the Pancasila Ideology Development Board (BPIP) in terms of implementing the ideology of Pancasila in order to counteract the spread of radicalism. Acting Head of BPIP Hariyono said that in this MoU the two parties complemented each other in the process of securing Pancasila while preventing acts of terrorism. The Head of BNPT assessed that Pancasila was the sole and only ideology in the archipelago. So that radicalism and terrorism must be eradicated. He added that Pancasila really must be internalized, practiced with heart, internalized well so that all elements of society are able to face the era of digital transformation which tends to further confuse the atmosphere.

Some things that are part of the cooperation between the two agencies include; Preparation of learning materials and methods of fostering the ideology of Pancasila to the general public, ASN within the BNPT, Indonesian citizens or BHI abroad, terrorists and families, victims of acts of terrorism along with their families and do not forget the law enforcement agencies handling criminal acts against terrorism.

The understanding of radicalism whose spread is considered life-threatening and security should be fought. Moreover, those exposed are civil servants who are in the community. What is feared is the expansion of understanding of this distorted teaching will be directly about people who interact with related civil servants. However, it is not necessarily accusing all employees of this then bad, just anticipating it. Given, the radicalism movement is slow but sure. So careless just a little we will lose. Moreover, this control is also considered good in order to prevent its spread even more significantly.

) * The author is a social political observer

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