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People From Papua and West Papua Refuse OPM Anniversary


By: Abner Wanggai) *

The people of Papua and West Papua strongly reject the celebration of the anniversary of the Free Papua Organization (OPM), which will be held on 1 December. In addition to littering the celebrations ahead of Christmas, the OPM is also considered a separatist group that often does sadistic acts against civilians and the military / police.
The issue of the implementation of the OPM Anniversary is increasingly reaping rejection. Not only triggered unrest, it is also feared to cause unwanted incidents. Moreover the news of the arrest of Iris Murib, KKB officials when looking for weapons supplies a few days ago. This weapon is indicated to be used to carry out acts of violence to coincide with the momentum of December 1. Iris was declared to have fought so the security forces were forced to bang Iris so she could not run away.
It was stated, the Jayapura City Government stressed that it would not allow activities that were disturbing the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia, especially ahead of the OPM Anniversary on 1 December. This was also clarified by the Mayor of Jayapura, Benhur Tommy Mano. He will not tolerate all activities that cross with the interests of the state. Not only the government, religious leaders in Papua also appealed to the public not to participate in celebrating activities against the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia.
Chairman of the Jayapura City Nahdatul Ulama Branch (NU) KH Abdul Kahar Yelipele also asked for opinions to invite all residents in Papua Province and Jayapura City to maintain peace and harmony of life. He hopes that citizens and religious communities will not be provoked or provoked by irresponsible invitations because they will damage brotherhood and peace. Even with Christian and Catholic religious leaders who have the same thought. Namely, holding the community to not participate in activities that can trigger community disunity.
In addition, December is an important moment for Christians to prepare for Christmas. So, it is better to remain focused on worship alone, rather than holding demonstrations that are not as useful as the celebration of the OPM Anniversary. So that all religious communities are obliged to support that Christmas celebrations can take place safely and comfortably, and are full of pleasure.
Moreover, the general public also rejected this celebration. If calculated, there are actually only a handful of people in Papua who support OPM. Because, in fact the majority of Bumi Cendrawasih residents oppose the separatist organization. this group is claimed to often misery residents, including hampering development.
Moreover, many of them believe that the Free Papua Movement (OPM) does not actually fight on behalf of Papua. They are considered to be only a handful of people who claim to be Papua, which are used by other people or parties with foreign interests, and demand disintegration from the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.
Meanwhile, the National Police intelligence team is still conducting a study regarding the vulnerability of security disturbances in the Papua region. Namely, near the day of the birth of the Free Papua Organization on December 1, 2019. The study included; what kind of vulnerability, which areas, when the vulnerability and others. Head of the Public Information Bureau (Karopenmas) Public Relations Division of the National Police Brigadier General Argo Yuwono explained related to the addition of personnel, Argo explained that this was the decision of the Papua Police Chief.
If personnel are deemed lacking in implementation, the Papua Regional Police will ask for help and send a letter to the National Police Headquarters. However, it is also possible that the deployment of personnel will only come from the regional police, if the number is sufficient. So everything will be situational. In addition to conducting a number of analyzes and preparing personnel, the Indonesian National Police is also taking preventive measures in the Bumi Cendrawasih area.
One of them is by building communication with community leaders, including local residents. The National Police is trying to convince the citizens that Papua is part of Indonesia, the Republic of Indonesia, until whenever. So that no one will be able to intervene.
Finally, this OPM Anniversary does not have any essence. After all, the pioneers were considered only able to provide mere unrest, not peace as they ranted. Moreover, with the inclusion of Iris Murib when looking for weapons supplies. So, it can be concluded that this event is indeed full of provocation and is likely to contain violence. Considering that the OPM did not hesitate to launch the persecution if the community members did not support the separatist organization’s movement. Therefore all parties continue to be warned to avoid all forms of invitation or provocation related to this anniversary celebration. Let’s strengthen unity and unity until Indonesia (including Papua) is even stronger, against all possibilities.

) * The writer is a Papuan student living in Jakarta

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