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Fahmina Institute Says Radicalism a Serious Threat to the Country


CIREBON – Marzuki Rais from the Fahmina Institute said the issue of radicalism is one of the most serious threats today besides drugs and corruption.

Therefore, it is strongly agreed by Joko Widodo’s government that the issue of radicalism is a concern because the exclusion is higher.

Based on the Alvara Research Center research in 2017 there were about 19.4 percent of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) disagreeing with Pancasila as the NKRI ideology, then around 18.01 percent of private employees also stated the same disagreement with Pancasila as a state ideology and 9.1 percent BUMN employee.

“It means that anti-Pancasila has penetrated not only within the community but has entered the body of the state apparatus both ASN and BUMN employees and this is no longer a public secret,” Marzuki said in a special discussion with the theme ‘Counteracting Radicalism, Towards Advanced Indonesia’ in Cirebon City, Thursday (12/12/2019).

Next Marzuki said about 22.2 percent of ASN claimed to agree with the concept of the khilafah in Indonesia. Then about 39 percent based on the results of BNPT research in 19 Provinces mentioned students exposed to radical understanding. And around 11 million Indonesians based on Wahid Foundation research are willing to take radical action. And 0.4 percent of the population has acted radically.

With these facts, Marzuki advised the millennial generation, especially students, to study religion in a truly profound manner.

“Because when we study deeply and truly, we will find the truth in a way that respects differences. And learn from the right people such as teachers, preachers, religious teachers who have security to Islam and to Indonesia,” he said.

Still according to the Secretary of Lapeksdam PBNU encouraged the government of Joko Widodo and Kyai Ma’ruf Amin to eradicate radicalism to its roots because it was clearly a threat to the survival of the Republic of Indonesia.

In the same place the Deputy Chairperson of the Cirebon Regency DPRD Teguh Merdeka stated that based on experience during conducting research on one of the terrorist convicts, the strong understanding of radicalism had taken root as part of life. Therefore he agrees under Joko Widodo’s administration to focus on the issue of radicalism to its conclusion.

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