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Supporting Government Efforts to Maintain National Stability Ahead of Christmas and New Year


By: Dodik Prasetyo )*

The government has anticipated various things ahead of Christmas and New Year. The preparations include anticipating terror, the availability of staples, to anticipating traffic jams before the end of year holidays. This is done in order to ensure the smooth worship of the community and conducivity ahead of the turn of the year.

The government rushed to anticipate a number of problems ahead of Christmas and New Year. Various incidents ranging from trivial to the most extreme, such as bomb events, were quite horrendous and caused prolonged trauma, which also came to the attention of the Government. Although many security forces have been deployed, the incident still happens and even targets the Security Apparatus.

Not the security that is less than optimal, or the appeal related to this seems slow. However, it can come from our own citizens and communities. Which is often indifferent to the environment. Though vigilance is considered the most crucial. Given a variety of events can occur, anywhere, anytime, by anyone without exception.

Previously, the Government through the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD had guaranteed the celebration of Christmas and New Year 2020 to take place safely. This was conveyed by Mahfud after a working visit to the National Police Headquarters.

During his working visit to the National Police Headquarters, Mahfud revealed he received a number of reports related to the map of problems that arose in the celebration of Christmas and the New Year 2020 from the top brass of the National Police. He emphasized that the National Police had anticipated security in various sectors. Both those in the transportation sector or public order. Including other problems that might arise.

On the other hand, the Soekarno-Hatta Airport City Police Department also provided anticipatory measures to tackle terrorist threats ahead of the Christmas and New Year holidays.

AKBP Adi Ferdian as the City Police Chief of the Saputra Airport said that it did not rule out the possibility of a terrorist threat on public facilities such as the Soekarno-Hatta Airport. For his own security, Adi explained that it would be taken after a coordination meeting with all KOMBATA stakeholders (Soekarno-Hatta Airport Community).

Around 142 personnel are suspected of being deployed and will provide security for 19 days. Starting from 19 December 2019 until 6 January 2020.

Meanwhile the National Police will focus on securing the 2019 Christmas and New Year 2020 celebrations at three points. Namely, the main toll lane, houses of worship, and also the tourist area. In addition, the National Police Traffic Police will also place its troops at the center of the economy. Including port, terminal and airport.

The Head of the National Police Traffic Corps, Inspector General Istiono, said that to secure the celebration of Christmas 2019 and the New Year 2020, up to 160 thousand personnel would be deployed. Which consists of a combination of TNI, Polri, Satpol PP and other agencies in each region of Indonesia.

Istiono predicts that the peak traffic density will be divided into several waves. Among other things, on December 21 to 22. And 25, 28 and 29 December 2019.

According to the Transportation Ministry’s report there will be an increase in the number of passengers to 1.75 million. Or equivalent to 3.55 percent of the total number of passengers at this time.

The increase in passenger frequency is also predicted to apply to river, lake and crossing (SDP) transportation. The Ministry of Transportation has estimated the total number of SDP transport passengers in the coming holidays will likely touch 2.27 million passengers. The number is considered to increase 6.57 compared to 2018 which only reached 2.13 million passengers.

The efforts made by the government and its apparatus to make conditions and situations more conducive and normal. Therefore, various possibilities can occur from various sectors. If the government has implemented anticipatory steps to protect the people, then the role of the people must support and follow various existing regulations. It is not impossible if all united to realize this security will be able to reduce the number of crime until terrorism is increasingly hunting.

Terrorism and radicalism are indeed suspected to prefer a religious momentum or other holidays. Because they deliberately want to spread fear, anxiety in the public environment. They seemed to feel empowered if they could do it. So, there’s no harm in supporting and helping to create a safe and controlled situation can be the most preventive step. If there are things that smell negative we can immediately report as a fundamental anticipatory step.

)* The author is a social political observer

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