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Support the Division of Papua


By: Jeremiah Kogoya) *

The Government continues to realize the aspirations of the people of Papua to split the Region. These efforts should be appreciated considering the regional expansion can shorten the bureaucratic range and improve services to the community. Discussing about Papua always has its own unique side.

Viewed from ethnicity and race, the people of the Earth of Paradise have an exotic physical form. Its action is thick with culture, making Papuan people always in the spotlight. They are famous for religious values ​​that are full of the reflection of a life. Her cooperation and compactness deserve a thumbs up. Especially if you already talk about natural resources.

The abundance of natural resources has become an attraction for Papua to the outside world. No doubt if outsiders also want areas that are considered rich. Still felt in memory, Papua became viral instantly for its conflicts. All root causes are suspected of having one reason, namely Papuan independence. Even though the people chose to stay with the Republic of Indonesia.

Government efforts in dealing with this problem bore fruit. Starting from the deployment of the security forces, efforts to approach included a variety of discussions related to the conflict that never stopped. However, now that Papua has begun to calm down, things are gradually getting better. In fact, a number of developments there are being activated, including the expansion of the Papua region.

As the Regent of the Peak, Willem Wandik said that ideally there are six provinces in Papua and West Papua. This is because the range of control between districts is still relatively difficult to reach by people who need services.

This was stated by Willem after attending the Inauguration
Opening of the National Development Planning Conference (Musrenbangnas), National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2020 to 2024, at the State Palace, December 16, 2019 yesterday.

He revealed that there were only four provinces being formed. Plus the Provinces of Papua and West Papua (existing today), making a total of six provinces. Because the distance is quite far, and the terrain is very wide. He considered, that the addition of 4 new provinces in Papua was considered very important and strategic for the national interests and for the people of Papua themselves. He added that the Papuan people needed a state presence in this matter.

Therefore, Willem hopes that the division in Papua will soon be realized. In addition to support from the DPR, the government has also opened up the possibility of forming a new autonomous region (DOB) in Bumi Cendrawasih. At least this division can be done in advance for three new provinces, namely Central Papua, Central Papua Papua, and South Papua.

This division in a number of areas in Papua is said to be purely the aspirations of the people conveyed to the government. This was also confirmed by President Joko Widodo. Jokowi explained if this aspiration was the desire of the figures in the middle mountains. The aspiration, according to the President, was conveyed by the public when his party was visiting Papua.
This was stated by Jokowi in response to the Papua People’s Assembly (MRP), which refused to split.
Jokowi reiterated that the government’s plan to split the Papua region is also still under study in order to get a thorough calculation. This is in accordance with its promise when meeting the community.

He added that the government’s policy to implement a moratorium on pemekaran still applies to all regions, including Papua. The moratorium policy will not change until the study related to the expansion of the Papua region is completed and a decision is made. As long as the decision has not been made, Jokowi claimed he was always open to all opinions coming. Meanwhile, the Minister of the Interior (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian previously mentioned that there were two aspirations that came in for the expansion of the Papua region, namely in the area of ​​South Papua and also Mountain Mountains.

But of the two regions, South Papua is ready to become a new province. This was obtained based on the results of a visit made by Tito and President Jokowi recently to Papua. He also did not reject the possibility that the central government would accommodate the addition of 2 provinces. However, this is still being explored. He explained that southern Papua was okay. The regions in South Papua that will enter the new province include Boven Digoel, Mappi, Asmat and Merauke Regencies.

In this regard the division of the Papua region is considered as a preventive measure to develop the welfare of the people of Papua. Although the new government will review the latest proposal with a total of 6 regions, it is hoped that the previous expansion will be able to improve the quality and progress of the people of Papua. It is quite possible that the government will approve the proposed expansion of the expansion area, if it is deemed necessary.

) * The writer is a Papuan student living in Jakarta

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