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The virtual world that currently influences the lifestyle of many modern societies, is also starting to be full of hate speech, propaganda of radicalism, to tutorials for assembling bombs. Everything was done deliberately, to capture new members, which can be used as a radical generation. Like fishing, this group intentionally spreads, and hopes that the community will be affected. The result was quite astonishing. Our society was still quite easily provoked by the SARA issue. DKI Jakarta Regional Election is a real example, so vulgar SARA provocation milling around us. So vulgar also the utterance of hatred was raised in the public sphere.

Later, educational institutions at the high school level, were also surprised by the findings of unscrupulous teachers teaching radicalism. In universities, it is also an easy target for radical groups to spread radicalism. At one of the state universities in Bogor, yesterday there was also a report about students who wanted the realization of a khilafah state. Although the campus has later denied this, several parties caution that radicalism is often included in activities on campus.

To prevent radical understanding from developing, let us actively take minimal precautions in our family environment. By giving children the right understanding and foundation, we have indirectly contributed to preventing the spread of radicalism. Spreading the message of peace to the younger generation is also an effort. Not only through word of mouth, through writing and behavior, we can also do it so that future generations can become tolerant generations. When doing all of these things, rest assured that radical understanding in Indonesia, especially within the state civil service environment, can be prevented.

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