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Supports Amnibus Law Taxation


By: zulkarnaen ) *

The government of the President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo ( Jokowi ) and Ma’ruf Amin, are trying to maintain and even improve the Indonesian economy amidst the challenges of weakening the global economy, so that they are competitive and have clear and uncomplicated legal certainty, which Omnibus Law will become one of the government’s ‘powerful moves’ to anticipate the economic turmoil that exists.

One of the government’s innovations in order to improve the national economy is by implementing the Omnibus Law Taxation scheme because it can increase purchasing power, consumption levels and investment value and interest in Indonesia because it is believed to create business justice for business people.

In general, the Omnibus Law Taxation is the formation of a law that changes various provisions by simplifying, revoking or amending several existing laws to target a taxation issue. In essence, all regulations, provisions and taxation facilities will be regulated in one law so that it is right on target so that it becomes an answer to various intricacies and challenges in the taxation field.

Remarkably, the Omnibus Law Bill in the field of taxation only consists of 28 articles but amends 7 Laws (Laws), namely the Income Tax Law , the VAT Law, the UU KUP, the Customs Law, the Excise Law, the Regional Tax Act and the regional levies as well as the regional government law .

President Jokowi put a time limit on the drafting of the Omnibus Law Taxation to be completed in the third week of January 2020 and requested that the grand vision and framework of the draft bill have a clear focus and remain consistent , so that it is synchronous and integrated. President Jokowi does not want the Omnibus Law Bill to be a place to accommodate the desires of ministries and institutions. In addition, President Jokowi also reminded that the draft Omnibus Law bill be made public before being discussed in the DPR.

Young Expert Policy Analyst at the State Revenue Policy Fiscal Policy Agency, Wahyu Hidayat, in a contemporary taxation public lecture titled “Peel Completed Omnibus Taxation Law” that was held by PKN STAN in early January, revealed that the substance of the Omnibus Law Taxation Bill ended in strengthening the economy of several side, including encouraging increased investment funding and implementing a territory system for income. In addition, this bill is also intended to emphasize the subject of individual taxation and to encourage the compliance of taxpayers voluntarily so that with this bill it is hoped that the fairness of the business climate in the country will become more conducive to the inclusion of previously imperfect regulations.

To note, there are six clusters or important points to be foku s in the omnibus law of taxation, namely p enurunan corporate income tax and penalty interest taxes to attract investment , m engimplementasi territorial system, in which the corporate income dividend overseas tax exempt origin to invest in Indonesia , personal taxes, increase tax compliance, the application of electronic tax made equal to the regular tax system and terkakhir m emasukkan entire tax incentives in one cluster , ie tax holiday, tax allowance, Special Economic Zones, etc.

H arapannya that investment in Indonesia bergeliat, competitiveness of perusaha an-national companies can equal d ith existing from abroad d an offer protection-protection b agi the perpetrators of the industry.

It is important to note that for us who will benefit from the existence of the Omnibus Law Taxation is all related layers, ranging from entrepreneurs, investors to workers’ groups because with more flexible regulations, trade flows and investment will be more soaring which of course also impacts on opening broader employment. Specifically for groups of workers or laborers there will also be an Omnibus Law on Employment Creation which aims to protect the rights of workers and reduce unemployment. Therefore, the planned maturation of the Omnibus Law in response to the stagnation of regulations in Indonesia is very important to be supported by all the people of Indonesia.

To move towards the aspirations of advanced Indonesia, the community is expected to be able to understand and respond to the dynamics of regulations in the taxation field, because if the simplification of this regulation is successful it will have a positive impact and it is not impossible that Indonesia will become a sufficiently qualified country in its economic sector . So that the Omnibus Law Taxation Bill should be supported by all the people of Indonesia. ()

) * Social Economy Observer

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