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Society Should Not Be Careless About Beware of Radicalism


By: Hananto) *

Radicalism is still a big threat to the Indonesian nation. The public and the government must not be careless in responding to the spread of radicalism in Indonesia.

The fanfare of radicalism online is starting to be felt. Why online? Try to see the development of the digital world today. Check whether the news is as it should be, or indeed there are many odd indications, mostly hoaxes and misleading news. Or try to peek at a number of social networks that have a secret group, which is booming because of the many efforts to tackle radicalism which is increasingly alarming.

Propaganda in the name of religion was rolled out to get a number of investigators. Those who feel “knocked” by their hearts will flock to the offender who seduces. But never thought? If the left-leaning group is destroyed, or may collapse, just like ISIS who lost some time ago. What are the consequences? These sympathizers are now biting their fingers, it is not recognized in the country of ISIS that wanting to go back to their own villages is no longer possible. Lha Wong has been “exposed” anyway? I really want to go home. Isn’t his hometown environment afraid of him?

Not to mention the allegations made to them (ex ISIS sympathizers) if they will bring negative influence, or are building their strength or other reasons that really need to be reconsidered if they want to accept them. The fact is that right? People who have been exposed to radicalism seem to be excluded. It is these fears that will be exposed that make them feel like a group.

Different who have devoted themselves to radicalism. Whatever they may be educated, those who are right are doctrines that have already entered their heads. Though the doctrines in the name of religion are many deviating from his preaching. Then, still want to remain silent seeing various facts that have the potential to divide the country?

The younger generation of +62 countries is like that? technological sophistication is not used to filter out various information, but only for selfies and self-exhibition. Even though social networks now provide important education related to radicalism which is increasingly gurgling. Why are these young people worried about being exposed? Because the recognition or value of their middle existence is chasing. A sense of pride that they will wear when their names are hailed. But if it is obtained from a number of deviant behavior? Do you still want?

The parameters of the nation’s progress certainly come from the younger generation. If Meraka as the forefront of the country just beats with radicalism, what will this country become? Therefore the government continues to intensively make efforts to tackle the problem of radicalism that has the potential to infect anyone. Even the security forces. The government does not stop moving, they continue to socialize various appeals in the hope of being able to educate Indonesian citizens.

The problem is that radicalism loves to look for loopholes to enter and then slowly destroy the state order. The implication is to tear down the seat of government. If the status quo of the state is obtained, they will prevail. Governing arbitrarily, then how our fate.

It does not matter how much the struggle of the government if there is no support from the community useless. Therefore, there needs to be support to create a capable synergy to deal with the spread of radicalism. Not only civil society, but citizens of the state apparatus and all Indonesian citizens must contribute. In spreading the right news and not hoaxes let alone spit out hatred.

It is time to be more aware of this radicalism. Because, there are so many things that trigger radicalism. For example, an intolerant, selfish attitude that accuses the ideology of Pancasila which has overshadowed Indonesia for decades is incompatible with religion. Even worse, radicalism makes the perpetrators more extremism. In fact, desperate to hurt others if others do not agree with him, really horrified!

Reflecting from experience, Indonesia is a big country. Surely it will be easier to gather strength to fight Radicalism. No matter the background, we should be able and can help radicalism to its roots. Because radicalism is our enemy. Radicalism will harm ourselves and all Indonesian citizens. Radicalism will also shorten our way of thinking, do not want to be fooled by them (radicalism). Come on, make a fortress against the spread of radicalism with a high tolerance, also an understanding of the ideology of Pancasila. So that we are safer and more prosperous, because we can protect national security.

) * The author is a social political observer

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