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Local Government Fight Against Corona


By: Aldia Putra) *

The Central Government and Local Governments have collaborated to help reduce the spread of the Corona or Covid-19 virus. A number of efforts were carried out including spraying disinfectants en masse, dismissing schools and offices, to improving health facilities. The Government’s hard work needs to have broad community support so that transmission of the disease can be stopped.

The spread of the Corona Virus has now been declared in an emergency position. Various recommendations and rules related to prevention have been carried out by the government. Fears of an outbreak are very pronounced. Sluggish economic effects, many unemployed to the disconnection of the income road. This is further exacerbated by the flow back and forth which has begun to be undertaken by the nomads.

Public transportation, which is considered to have the potential to spread the virus, is reportedly being limited by hours and also the amount. The policy implemented by DKI governor Anies Baswedan is considered good enough to unravel and suppress Covid-19 transmission. The DKI Government has also issued an appeal to dismiss schools to offices in the Jakarta area.

Anies, through the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency, decided to stop all bus operations from and to Jakarta. This was done because there were many people going home from Jakarta, but instead spread it to residents in the village. As a result, corona transmission rates in the regions are getting higher.

This is in line with President Jokowi’s request that the regional government be more assertive to prevent residents from returning home, aka going home when the distribution of the corona has not been controlled. The request was conveyed in a discussion about going home.

The South Sulawesi Provincial Government (Pemprov) has also set up hotels for medical personnel who are struggling to treat COVID-19 corona patients in South Sulawesi. With the hotel provided, medical staff are no longer permitted to return home after carrying out their duties.

Meanwhile, Surabaya City Government appealed to the public if they felt symptoms similar to the corona virus, so that it was immediately checked by the nearest hospital.

Surabaya City Government will also prepare free health facilities for Surabaya residents who have contracted the corona virus. Even the Government of East Java continues to promote the application of physical distancing to residents, including banning the crowd

The Governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil, on March 30, 2020 also said that the salaries of the Governor, Deputy Governor and the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) of West Java would be deducted to overcome the corona virus. The salary will be deducted over the next 4 months. He also asked people who have excess assets to donate their wealth to fight corona.

The Central Government has also formed the Task Force for the Acceleration of Covid Handling 19, which is led directly by the BPNPB agency. All parties are also expected to unite in handling the plague and not blame each other.

The policy of the central government which has given authority to regional governments in determining emergency conditions deserves to be appreciated. However, local governments need to coordinate with the central government in issuing strategic policies, including in terms of limiting operational hours of public transportation in the capital. The Regional Government is also expected to focus on the healthy citizens so that they are not infected and those who enter the ODP are nowhere to go.

Limiting the mode of transportation is actually a good plan in an effort to reduce the spread of Corona Virus. The reason is, in public transportation the potential for contracting will be greater. Imagine if the patient is Corona positive but does not feel any symptoms, holding the bus door for example or holding a chair. Which is then touched by other people whose immunity is lower. Surely this can be fatal. So, the government is endlessly advocating, socializing offline and online related to us, which can potentially be “Carriers”. Or the carrier of the Corona virus.

This carrier or carrier has been exposed to the virus, but due to a good and optimal immune system. So, the virus is not able to penetrate body cells and can not transmit it. However, it can still transmit. Well, this is the urgency targeted by the government. If the independent lockdown attempt is successful, it will break the chain of the spread of this pandemic.

Even though the current condition is an emergency due to the Corona virus attack, everything must be discussed with the stakeholders. It’s not funny if in the future problems arise instead they blame each other as they have.

) * The author is a social political observer, active in the Jakarta Institute of Literature study

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