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Beware of Radicalism Using Online Media


By: Ismail )*

Radicalism seems to be an endless discussion, there are always things that make radical groups get a place in the media, especially online media.

Since the internet began to spread to various regions in Indonesia, the process of radicalization has been optimized by extremists, all worries about democracy seem to be their fuel for massive recruitment of people.

Extremists also easily blow out religious doctrines that lead to something that smells radical. This has been proven by the presence of Indonesian citizens who burned their passports after arriving in Syria.

In the current era, the internet seems to be a smooth path for radicals in their efforts to find followers and recruit members. Those who have been exposed to radicalism will usually show an attitude of intolerance towards differences.

Radical organization movements like ISIS in Indonesia certainly need to be anticipated by all levels of society. The existence of radical organizations in Indonesia is certainly very dangerous for the resilience of the Indonesian state if the community does not play a role in anticipating radical movements.

The radical religious perspective always prioritizes religious texts without looking at the context first. So they tend to easily blame others for thinking differently. They will always look for religious legitimacy, aka unilateral justification without being based on the context of deep problems.

Such a radical understanding is in fact easy to invite the flourishing of terrorism which views the country and who thinks differently from itself is an enemy to it.

For radicals, criticism over the issue of ideological differences is a religious jihad which is often deified without the existence of humanitarian jihad. Those who are radical will assume that doing damage in places of worship of other religions is religious jihad, even if it causes casualties.

In the Indonesian context, acts of terror in minority places of worship, for example, are also very dangerous, because the impact is long-term at the community level, the tragedy of violence can result in loosening of the nation’s cords that are painstakingly glued together.

Therefore, the stronghold in protecting ourselves from the gusts of radicalism is from oneself and the immediate environment, we still need to be aware of the various information that comes through the devices that we hold every day.

Do not let, we are narrow-minded when finding lectures that invite humans to antagonize fellow human beings. Do not let just because one lecture, then the value of Pancasila that we have cared for for years to collapse.

Of course, Deradicalisation is the first step in de-idealizing radicalism in Indonesia. The government must direct ex-convicts of terrorism prisoners to spread and straighten the understanding of religion in accordance with the teachings of Islam, that Islam is a religion that rahmatan lil ‘alamin.

In addition, the state must also be present in developing strategies to instill moderate Islamic understanding, this should be done to realize the character of Islam itself.

In the world of education, it is certainly important to teach the meaning of tolerance to students. Do not let the school that should be a vehicle for learning, it makes students become radical when they find something different.

In the end, the difference is beautiful, like a rainbow that won’t look beautiful if there is only 1 color. Of course, what we should hold fast is not a radical understanding that causes violence. But an Islam that loves the motherland has the potential to foster peace and humanity in this country.

The government in this case requires a systematic, structured and massive effort to deal with radicalism. Not when only doing activities that tend to be sporadic.

Besides that growing radicalization among Muslims is a domino effect from the depravity of the social system of society which no longer heedes religious regulations. Therefore, they believe that Islam is able to solve all the problems of society so that Indonesia must become an Islamic state.

The Director General of Islamic Education has also made a circular to the chancellors of higher education to create a study center that aims to make moderation efforts in religion. A religious climate that is tolerant, moderate, peaceful and inclusive must be developed primarily to understand diversity.

Caring for the nation, of course, must be accompanied by caring for tolerance among fellow religious communities. Thus Bhineka Tunggal Ika will remain a motto for all Indonesian people.

)* The author is a citizen, active in the Student Circle and Cikini Press studies

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