Appreciating Government Bansos to Covid-19 Affected Communities
By: Edi Jatmiko) *
The Covid-19 pandemic weakened the people’s economy. But the government immediately responded quickly by providing social assistance in the form of food and cash. The community also appreciated the Government’s assistance because it provided many benefits.
Corona virus is still reluctant to leave Indonesia. The little creature was able to devastate ranging from tourism to the economy. Many restaurants are closed because customers are reduced, the reason is that more people stay at home and cook on their own. As a result, its employees had to be laid off. Likewise, many hotel employees were fired, because there were no guests staying, because many were afraid to travel in the middle of this pandemic.
The high number of new unemployment has made the poverty rate in this country go up. The government through the social ministry immediately acts quickly by providing assistance to those in need. The aid was in the form of food packages containing rice, sardines, instant noodles, tea bags, etc., and was given directly to communities in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi. A total of 4.2 million food packages have been distributed since 20 April 2020, in stages.
Meanwhile, the poor outside Jabodetabek receive social assistance funds of 600,000 rupiah, which are transferred through state-owned banks. The person who received it has certainly been truly deserved to get it, and will not be wrongly targeted. By transferring directly to the account, it will avoid bureaucratic games and the possibility of circumcision of social assistance funds by unscrupulous elements.
Assistance provided by the government is not only in the form of food and money, but also knowledge. People who lose their jobs will be given new skills as provisions to find work or open businesses, by attending workshops via online. So the provision of skills that will not run out and can even be made capital to start a new business.
But of course they must register first and have a pre-work card, then they can enjoy the facilities. Besides getting knowledge, pre-work card holders also get 2.4 million in cash, which will be transferred in stages 4 times. It is hoped that the money can be used as venture capital, so don’t spend it consumptively.
The community welcomed it because they received social assistance from the government. The basic food items received greatly eased their burden, especially since the price of rice, sugar and other necessities began to creep up in recent months. The government shows concern for its people and implements article 34 of the 1945 Constitution, which reads “the poor and displaced children are looked after by the state.”
While people outside Jabodetabek are also happy because they get cash directly transferred to the account. Nominal money is not bad, and can help them to survive, while waiting for existing job openings. Social assistance shows the government’s concern for its people. So not only the people around Jakarta receive social assistance, but also all the people of Indonesia who need it.
The government also proposed a Perona Corona in the form of a request for additional funding to the State Budget. The money will later be forgotten by the nine-basic necessities and social assistance funds. So, government assistance is not only done once, but in several stages in the future. The reason is because the Covid-19 pandemic is still ongoing and does not yet know when it will end.
As good citizens, it is fitting for us to appreciate the government’s steps to provide assistance in the form of food, social assistance money, and pre-work cards. Help is also given to those who really need it. The President really thinks about the fate of his people. Then, aid in the form of basic food needs to be used for self-consumption, not selling it again. This is to appreciate the efforts of governments who want to help their people.
) * Active writer in the Press Circle and Cikini Students