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Economic Observers Says The Government’s Task To Maintain Economic Stability and Security From the Impact of Covid-19 are Correct


Economist at Atmajaya University, Jakarta, Rosdiana Sijabat, said that the current condition of the national economy is at a very high level of uncertainty.

Therefore, the harmonization of fiscal and monetary policies by the Government is appropriate by issuing stimulus. However, if the momentum cannot be utilized properly, then the relaxation of the next few months will be crushed.

“The government is utilizing some momentum but is misread by the people, the community thinks it has begun to be safe from Covid-19. But that’s not it, it is necessary to educate that it is still in a precautionary situation and it needs to support the Government so that economic stability is well supported, “Rosdiana said in her virtual discussion, Monday, May 15, 2010.

He continued, do not let the fiscal stimulus that has been so large issued by the Government, can not optimize so starting from the local area must obey the rules that have been issued.

“The government in public policy has two tasks namely maintaining economic stability amid the Covid-19 pandemic and security. Economic stability through fiscal stimulus that has been carried out, security stability through social safety nets or social assistance, “he said.

Meanwhile, Insure researcher Inggar Saputra added that the impact of Covid-19 which had a huge impact besides health was an economic issue. Then the economic improvement in the factory and service sectors becomes something urgent, because social distancing affects the two sectors.

Then the stimulus of social assistance, state spending on health and short-term economic policies needed by the business sector as well as funding support for the Covid-19 budget worth Rp 150 T is very urgent for national economic recovery.

“All of these policies are needed in the context of handling the Covid-19 by the Government and need support from all layers of society,” Inggar said.

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