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Beware of Radicalism in the Middle of Corona Attacks


By: Alfisyah Kumalasari ) *

The co-19 pandemic was used by radicals to spread hoaxes. They use this moment to achieve their goals, in order to realize a country that is not based on Pancasila. The community is expected to be unaffected and stay away from extremist radicals.

Corona pandemic we still pass with concern. Covid-19 virus is still rampant and people like to read news of its development. They hope that the number of patients will continue to decline and this virus will go away. The public is also looking for information, which countries are completely free of corona.

But please be careful when reading news about Corona. Not everything is good, especially if the news is on the internet. Why be alert? Because everyone can make it and not go through the right editing and censorship process. It could be that the news is a hoax deliberately made by radicals.

Yes, in the midst of this pandemic, it is very vulnerable to attacks from radicals. The difference is, if they used to spread fear by bombing or throwing grenades in public places, but now in a more subtle way. They produce hoax news which is basically badmouthing the government. This hoax finally spread from the news portal to the WA family group.

There are some hoaxes made by radicals. First, when regulations emerged concerning the prohibition of praying in congregation at the mosque and not holding tarawih prayers in musalas and mosques. Suddenly the government was accused of not supporting the activities of its people in worship. Even though this regulation has been supported by the MUI fatwa which is certainly contained by religious scholars. The ban on congregational prayers is because it prevents the spread of corona, not tarnishes the people’s right to reward.

Radicals also deliberately spread the issue when the mosque is closed while the mall is not closed. It is as if the government does not support worship but allow its people to shop. Don’t confuse yet. When the mosque is closed to prevent the spread of corona, the shopping center cannot be closed because it is an economic driver. Especially if the shop sells groceries that are needed by the community.

PSBB is indeed held, but shopping centers are still allowed to operate. But with a strict rule , for example there is a maximum number of people who shop, keep a distance when queuing, and if you want to go have to wash your hands first. So the opening of this mall should not be compared to the closing of the mosque, because Apple is not Apple or alias is not as dense . After all, if the mosque is closed, you can still pray at congregation at home and still get merit.

Radicals also heat up the issue of a ban on the holding of Eid prayers in mosques and in the field. They then incite the public to continue to hate the government. Indeed, this prohibition makes Muslims feel awkward, because the month of syawal always begins with Eid prayer. But remember that this worship is only sunnah and not mandatory. Even if you do it at home, it’s still rewarding and fine.

The government made the rules forbidding the prayers of course with many considerations. Rather than all pilgrims get corona and potentially transmit covid-19 visions to their families, then it’s better to be banned. This rule is only carried out in areas that are included in the red zone. Whereas in areas that are still in the green zone, it is still permissible to hold Eid prayer with strict protocols, for example, bring your own prayer rug and wear a mask. So don’t eat the hoax that is deliberately made and spread by radicals.

Radicals continually create issues and hoaxes so that people feel hot and do not agree with government regulations. Though this rule was made for our own security, so as not to be exposed to a very dangerous corona . If you read the news, confirm first and don’t get inedible by hoaxes made by radicals. Beware of radicalism.

) * Active author in the Cikini Student Fund Press Circle

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