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BPJS Tariff Adjustments for the Improvement of Health Services


By: Aditya Akbar) *

BPJS rates will be adjusted starting from June 2020. This tariff adjustment is made, so that the service is getting better.

News about BPJS tariff hikes hit the public in this fasting month. Counted seja k J uni 2020 BPJS cardholder should pay more. Suddenly the public protested loudly, why should the tariff be raised even though we were still in the Covid-19 epidemic that made everyone concerned?

Do not burn with anger when reading the news about BPJS tariff increases, moreover many are fried and exposed by irresponsible media. Actually the tariff that goes up is only for class 1 and 2 card holders, while class 3 is fixed. BPJS class 3 patients do not increase their rates because they still receive subsidies from the government.

The details of the rate increase are like this, for people who hold BPJS class 1 cards, must pay 150,000 per month, from the previous 80,000 rupiahs. For class 2, the fare will be 100,000 rupiah, from the nominal 51.00 rupiah. As for class 3, it actually increased to 42,000 rupiah but still only paid 25,500 rupiah because there was a subsidy of 16,500 rupiah. Next year, new class 3 card holders will increase rates to 35,000 rupiah.

Actually this increase should not be regarded as a grievous thing, because if you think of the largest contribution only 150,000 rupiah. Just compare if you have private insurance, then the fee is at least 600,000 rupiah per month. If you really need BPJS and object to the increase, then you can ask for a class reduction so that the cost is more affordable.

BPJS card holders currently have more than 200 million people. They get a card that can help during this illness, because registering is easier and more hospitals and clinics are accepting BPJS patients. Unfortunately this has an impact on the deficit. How can? Because many pay and then get health facilities and medicines for free, then after being healthy they are negligent and do not pay dues.

Many BPJS card holders intentionally do not pay so the fees are stagnant and this BUMN deficit. The loss is also no joke, amounting to 32 trillion rupiahs! It is also not possible for BPJS to pursue patients who are delinquent one by one. Then the only way to deal with this deficit is to increase the tariff.

We take the example of the Cibabat Regional General Hospital, Cimahi, West Java. There, the hospital management collected money totaling 36 billion rupiah from BJPS, but it had not yet been paid off. Even though the money could be used to pay for hospital employees who are still freelancers. Also to pay for medicines for patients in the hospital.

Hospitals of this size were forced to postpone payment of drugs to factories and seek loans from private banks. This was done so that the distribution of drugs smoothly and the operation of the hospital was also smooth. How sorry for the medical staff there because their work could be hampered because of BPJS’s slow claims.

This situation would not have happened if only the claim had been smooth. But how can it be smooth if BPJS continues to experience a deficit? Therefore, the only way to save him is to increase tariffs. So don’t be emotional when you have to pay more, because this is for the common good.

If the BPJS rates go up, the government has estimated that all card holders can pay, even if they have to spend more money. It is proven that the level of people’s purchasing power has recently risen. They are also still able to buy a pack of cigarettes every day, even though the excise price always goes up every year.

BPJS understands that the community needs good health services. But this can be realized if only there was no deficit that occurred due to arrears in payment of contributions. Therefore, pay on time and don’t be late, because of the pity of other patients. BPJS tariff increases are actually for our own good.

) * Active writer in the press circle and Cikini students

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