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The National Strategic Project for Indonesia’s Economic Drivers


By: Alfisyah Kumalasari ) *

The Covid-19 pandemic caused many projects to be terminated because they followed the stay at home rule When it enters the new normal phase the strategic projects will be resumed. Even though there are hundreds, 89 have chosen strategic projects that are very urgent to be continued, such as the construction of toll roads and the transmigration land legalization program. If these projects are implemented again, they will have a positive impact on the economy, because the workers will get income again.

When it was still in the Covid-19 pandemic situation but there was a new normal policy , then entrepreneurs and contractors could breathe again. The reason is that the project which was previously halted due to PSBB regulations and stay at home , can be resumed. Even with many requirements, for example, workers must wear masks and always maintain hygiene when working.

There are more than 200 projects proposed by the government as PSN (national strategic projects) but only 89 were elected. The president in a limited meeting at the Merdeka Palace, at the end of May, stated that not all of them could be made into national strategic projects. The consideration is in terms of urgency and especially the total cost to continue it. So you have to go directly to the field to check whether it is suitable to be a PSN.

These 89 selected projects besides having urgent urgency, can also make the economic sector rise again . In addition, the criterion is whether the project has an impact on social welfare? National strategic projects are also expected to create new jobs and are also environmentally friendly. The assessment of a project to be made a PSN may not be played out , because the total costs incurred are 1.422 trillion rupiah. So the money must be channeled to the right project and not be misused.

If a project starts again, of course it takes a lot of workers to work on it and of course their welfare will increase. Because earning more income. In addition, the project also had an impact on increasing the financial capacity of the surrounding community . When there is a project, stalls appear that sell lunch menus for hustlers, and the owner will benefit.

One of the national strategic projects that will be approved is the construction of a toll road from Kediri to Tulungagung. This includes a national strategic project because if the toll road is fully developed, then the logistics delivery from Tulungagung and Kediri (and vice versa) will be smoother. When the distribution is smooth, the goods that will be sent to the store or market will arrive on time. So that people like to shop because the goods are complete, and automatically will increase the economic sector.

In addition to toll road development, one of the approved national strategic projects is the legalization of transmigration land, social forestry, land certification for the people, and plantation rejuvenation. These projects were made into PSN because they had a positive impact on the people. They can get an official land certificate without having to go through the winding bureaucracy, and legalize transmigration land, so there is no dispute going forward. Rejuvenation of plantations is also very urgent because if the plantation is healthy it will produce good and profitable crops.

The national strategic project was not only in the field of agrarian and infrastructure development, but also health. The government is trying to eradicate many diseases such as AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, and reduce the stunting rate, aka the growth of late children. So the president really thought about how to keep his people healthy, especially since we are still in the condition of the Covid-19 pandemic .

When the national stra- tegis project was launched, it was not only the businessmen and foremen, but also the workers and also other communities that were profitable. If the toll road project is continued, the distribution will run smoothly. When the health project continues, the community is also free of dangerous diseases . National strategic project could also meni n g katkan sectors of the economy, because it absorbs a lot of manpower.

) * Active writer in the Press Circle and Cikini Students

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