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Wary of OUR Maneuvers Politically Charged


By: Ahmad Bustomi) *

The public is confused by the actions of US members who stand on the TV news and scream while blaming the government. The organization seems to have political motives and always attacks the government. Even though their accusations were not trusted by the public, they were just careless.

At first, the WE declaration attracted the attention of many people, because there were many famous names. Among them are Rocky Gerung and Din Syamsudin. However, the people became disappointed because the event was full of insults against the government and had political implications. In addition, the declaration was held at the Proclamation Monument which was clearly prohibited from being used for public events during the pandemic.

OUR maneuver to attack the government is reflected in their 8 demands. One of the points of demand states that the government is not responsive to corona. We also accuse the state of being regulated not in accordance with Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. WE also demand that the government prioritizes local entrepreneurs and saves Indonesia from recession.

This is very strange because the charges sounded as politically charged accusations, let alone read out emotionally up to 2 times. Who are they to order around like that? Could it be that you have suffered from post power syn drom and hallucinated when you still have a position so you can sue the government at will.

Indeed, in a democratic country, especially in the era of reformation, it is permissible to argue. However, that does not mean that the freedom given is used for blasphemy. The popularity of OUR members is used for negative things. Controversy is used as a tool to increase electability ahead of the 2024 presidential election.

Despite being evasive, WE already seem politically charged. This can be seen from the organizational structure which has a chairman alias the Presidium as leader. There is also a Declarator Council to determine strategic and principal policies. Below the level of the declarator council, there are 9 commissions that act as executors of plans that work in the field.

Our organizational structure is very similar to the arrangement of state officials, where the presidium is the president, the declarator council is the MPR, and the executive commission is the minister. Is this an organization or a shadow cabinet? If they promise to save Indonesia, which part will be in charge of making donations or volunteering to help the people?

Mohammad Daud from the Indonesian Millennial Action Coalition rejects US because it is a political movement wrapped in a moral movement. Even David asks, how can there be a moral basis to be done by deception? They can’t wait for the presidential election in 2024 and want to immediately process a constitutional change of government.

It is very clear that the US’s political mode is visible from the organizational structure and the reasons why they attack the government. The reason is that the community is affected and finally turns around to agreeing to all of our actions, and is no longer pro-government. Even though the community already understands their tricks and is not easily provoked.

The words ‘save Indonesia’ are their propaganda to brainwash the common people. If this country needs to be saved because it is like a shipwrecked, then only WE can help, aka become piningit knights. Never mind helping, to become a covid-19 vaccine volunteer, it is certain that none of OUR members will dare.

The propaganda of ‘saving Indonesia’ is very dangerous because if repeated, both on social and electronic media, will be heard as the truth. There will be panic in the community and cause chaos. WE as former officials should know how to properly place diction, without making hoaxes.

Do not believe OUR maneuvers because they are very political. If indeed the government has done its best for its people, why are there any organizations to save Indonesia? The US declaration and news about its members are only used to increase popularity and for political reasons, for the sake of the 2024 presidential election.

) * The author is a citizen living in Pemalang

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