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By : Rashka Pratama

It is time for the policies issued by the Government to touch the wishes of the people. This desire is based on the mandate of the 1945 Constitution in which Indonesian citizens are the responsibility of the government in managing their various needs, one of which is the need for administrative services. The realization of the vision for Advanced Indonesia is determined by the government and its people, as policy makers, the central and local governments must be able to work in accordance with the needs of society as citizens. This need, for example, is that the government does not complicate public service procedures, such as business licensing procedures for small communities. So far, the community feels that there are several local and central government policies that need to be improved considering that these policies are burdensome and only benefit certain groups.

The stages of obtaining a permit from the government are considered too long and convoluted, there needs to be a simplification effort considering that the community’s efforts play a role in improving the country’s economy. Not to mention the population services that continue to receive the spotlight from various levels of society. The Jokowi-KH Ma’ruf Amin’s government is the hope of the people to realize a more advanced Indonesia, one of the concepts for Advanced Indonesia is simplification of regulations, by eliminating unnecessary points

Omnibuslaw is a method or technique to replace / revoke / several provisions in a law regulated in one law. So, Omnibuslaw is a simplification of laws (from many laws recorded into one law). The purpose of the Omnibuslaw law is to resolve conflicts of statutory regulations in a fast, effective and efficient manner, more integrated licensing arrangements, improve coordination between related agencies, uniform policies at the central and regional levels to support the investment climate, capable of breaking convoluted bureaucratic chains. , guaranteeing legal certainty and legal protection for policy makers.

The essence of this Omnibuslaw is to simplify regulations to make it easier for the community to develop, especially in the economic sector, to achieve prosperity in their lives. In addition, the existence of this Omnibuslaw will make it easier for investors to enter Indonesia so that it will reduce the unemployment rate and make it easier for people to set up businesses because of easier licensing arrangements.

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